Fresh Squeezed Daily: Upcoming $45M+ NIH NIAID Software Development and O&M Support RFP

A research request was recently provided to OS AI from a small business CEO for an 8(a) STARS III Prime and emerging Federal Health player looking for some of the background details and top partner [and/or competitor] options related to an upcoming software development contract competition with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

We at OrangeSlices AI do believe in the need for more and better-informed competition, so provided below are 1) opportunity details provided by the requestor; 2) some key points of contact; 3) related pursuit/capture data; and 4) when possible, projected odds of this contract going back to the incumbent.  

The Ask: We are “in the midst of responding to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Clinical Research Management System (CRMS) Support Services Sources Sought notice and would appreciate any additional details you can provide related to this contract intended to support further development and O&M of CRMS in accordance with regulated clinical research requirements, to include developing and maintaining a high value software solution and implementing new technologies in response to changing business strategies, policy, and regulatory changes.” 

Competitive Details related to the predecessor contract: 

  • Funding Agency: HHS / NIH / NIAID 
  • Incumbent: Digital Infuzion 
  • Contract Vehicle: This was last competed using CIO-SP3 SB as a small business set-aside action 
  • OS AI Note: The incumbent on this contract no longer qualifies as a small business under the relevant NAICS, but they do qualify as a small business on CIO-SP3 SB. However, it is our understanding that the recent sources sought is being run by DOI, not NIH. 
  • NITAAC recently announced “an extension of the CIO-SP3 Small Business Government-Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) through 4/29/23.” Monitor updates related to this GWAC here.  
  • Expected Competition Date: Fiscal Year 2023 – date tbd  
  • OS AI Note: The expected start date for the new contract is August if a transition is necessary and September if the incumbent wins the contract back.  
  • Contract Details and Spend to Date for Award ID 75N93018F00002 

** Please note that OS AI will not speculate here as to the accuracy of any scope details provided and/or any current plans related to the timing, details, and likelihood of any recompete.  

Related Data:  

Sample of Key Potential Points of Contact (current or past): 

What are the odds of the incumbent company winning this contract as a Prime again?  

The OS AI Bot calculates that if this is competed using CIO-SP3 SB OR is competed in an unrestricted fashion, the odds are 70% and 60% respectively that Digital Infuzion wins this contract back. If NIH opts to keep it as a small business set-aside action, the odds are zero.  

OS AI Notes: Small Business should take note of two things on this one – 1) NIH has a very active small business advocate in Anita Allen, who is charged with reviewing all procurements and pushing for small business set-aside actions. Take advantage of this – If you make her aware of this or any other NIH procurement [provide specific contract details], she can help to influence the direction of an effort and 2) SBA is expected to propose a rule change to the Rule of Two soon that would expand set-aside opportunities and prevent agencies from evading the Rule of Two. This comes on the heels of a Court of Federal Claims decision in 2020 which held that agencies cannot avoid the Rule of Two by deciding on an IDIQ contract awarded to large businesses. This may not come into play here, but it is worth reminding an acquisition official about the COFC ruling as any agency trying to run afoul of the rule of two runs the risk of seeing a challenge that could derail their ability to get a contract in place.  

Looking for an 8(a), WOSB, HUBZone or SDVOSB to partner with at NIH? Click Here 

You can filter the list by several key indicators, to include socio-economic status, NAICS, Contract vehicle, etc.  

If you are a small business with capabilities and socio-economic status that might support this effort, comment below and we will add you to the list. 

Firms drawing the most attention: 

Included below is a list of the large and small companies we have noted as drawing the most views by Government and industry leaders on the OrangeSlices AI consultant directory over the past month and that bring direct past performance and/or related relationships in support of NIAID. 

** An Elev8 GovCon Honoree, noted for a corporate culture that demonstrates its own excellence, making the company a beacon for talent, for partners, and for clients.          

We cannot and will not speculate here as to the reasons for the increased interest, but whether it is a company evaluating them as a potential partner; a federal acquisition leader doing their due diligence; or a consultant weighing their next job move, this group of companies has been receiving increased interest. 

Please note that the research requestor for this item received a Premium OS AI Opp Segment report including 1) known details about how/if/when/where this contract will be competed; 2) a list of the top companies that are in position to win today (as well as those who have been making key investments and moves of late to position for a win); and 3) a detailed list of the top potential opportunity influencers any potential bidder will want to get to know.  

About OrangeSlices AI  

Developed by a team of government and industry contracting subject matter experts, the OrangeSlices AI data driven platform is a publicly available searchable listing of the top information technology and consulting services contractors doing business with the Federal government today. Driven by a robust and comprehensive set of authoritative and trusted data sources, the tool is intended to help government and industry leaders find the right partner to help deliver on the important missions of the Federal government. Learn more about how you can engage with OS AI here. – this Offers ends February 17, 2023    



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