At the beginning of every fiscal year, Federal agencies are required to publish a Forecast of Contracting Opportunities (planned RFQs and RFPs), though agencies are not consistent in terms of which data is provided, how often it is updated, or how much opportunity data is provided. Included here we share a link to known forecasts, as well as an initial framework and grade for how each agency is doing in terms of meeting both the mandate and the spirit of the act.

Awardee Name: ONEGLOBE LLC Unique Entity ID: JPMGSV18AFL8 Total Contract Value: $25,943,346.03 Action Obligation: $8,165,756.80 Department Name: SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Funding Agency: SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Funding Office: OFC CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER Description: sba bpa call order – mysba unified platform – digital mvp Number of Bidders: 6 Award ID: 73351022F0238 Referenced IDV ID: 73351022A0021 More…

Awardee Name: SKYWARD IT SOLUTIONS, LLC Unique Entity ID: JHH5NXX58DM4 Total Contract Value: $9,022,177.01 Action Obligation: $4,490,845.01 Department Name: SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Funding Agency: SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Funding Office: OFC OF CAPITAL ACCESS Description: office of capital access, capital access financial system (cafs) devops modernization Number of Bidders: 3 Award ID: 73351022F0242 Referenced IDV ID:…

Awardee Name: NAVANCIO LLC Unique Entity ID: C6FQH2VLCVL9 Total Contract Value: $23,000,000.00 Action Obligation: $0.00 Department Name: SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Funding Agency: SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Funding Office: OFC OF DISASTER ASSISTANCE Description: shuttered venue operators grant program (svog) salesforce software as a service systems development Number of Bidders: 5 Award ID: 73351022A0024 Referenced IDV ID:…

Awardee Name: BIXAL SOLUTIONS INCORPORATED Unique Entity ID: J7FUYPW933N6 Total Contract Value: $6,360,991.00 Action Obligation: $798,484.00 Department Name: SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Funding Agency: SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Funding Office: OFC OF PERF MGMT AND CFO Description: content support services related to for the small business administration office of communications and public liaison. Number of Bidders:…

Awardee Name: UPSLOPE ADVISORS INC. Unique Entity ID: GJ52Z9FTCHR6 Total Contract Value: $8,307,196.35 Action Obligation: $1,661,439.27 Department Name: SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Funding Agency: SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Funding Office: OFC OF CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Description: national answer desk – contact service representatives Number of Bidders: 14 Award ID: 73351022F0230 Referenced IDV ID: 47QRAA21D002C RFP ID: 73351022Q0173…

Awardee Name: U.S. FEDERAL SOLUTIONS, INC. Unique Entity ID: FGBZR13DFU46 Total Contract Value: $10,000,000.00 Action Obligation: $0.00 Department Name: SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Funding Agency: SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Funding Office: OFC OF PERF MGMT AND CFO Description: bpa ofoam acquisition support services Number of Bidders: 10 Award ID: 73351022A0022 Referenced IDV ID: 47QRAA18D004E Set Aside Used:…

Awardee Name: ZOOK DINON PA Unique Entity ID: GMAPE7L3JWN3 Total Contract Value: $6,000,000.00 Action Obligation: $0.00 Department Name: SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Funding Agency: SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Funding Office: OFC OF INVESTMENTS INNOVATIONS Description: sba, sbic, small business investment company, examinations and related services, office of investment and innovation Number of Bidders: 3 Award ID: 73351022D0007…

Awardee Name: SIGNET PARTNERS, A CORPORATION Unique Entity ID: L7JZMAAEUUW7 Total Contract Value: $6,000,000.00 Action Obligation: $0.00 Department Name: SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Funding Agency: SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Funding Office: OFC OF INVESTMENTS INNOVATIONS Description: sba sbic, small business investment company, examinations and related services, office of investment and innovation Number of Bidders: 3 Award ID:…