Small Businesses are targeting potential USDA 508 Compliance Support Opp

OS AI has heard from several small and mid-tier businesses over the past few months who are closely monitoring some ongoing market research efforts by the United States Department of Agriculture seeking a contractor to review directives and forms for section 508 compliance and to provide recommendations for items that require remediation. 

The USDA’s Farm Production and Conservation Business Center (FPAC-BC) has detailed its plans for a contract to establish an initiative for reviewing published directives and forms pertaining to FSA, NRCS, RMA, and FBC. This review aims to identify items that do not meet the accessibility requirements outlined in the act and its amendments. The awarded contractor will assess these materials and provide recommendations for remediation. USDA intends to utilize the evaluations to determine the next steps to comply with section 508 regulations, particularly the Access Board’s EIT and ICT Accessibility Standards. Depending on the results of the assessment and support services required, and the urgency for immediate remediation, the USDA’s needs may or may not increase by 25%. 

No final acquisition strategy details or timeline have been provided by USDA yet as market research activities are understood to be active, but the current expectation is that any RFP will be released on a GSA vehicle (MAS, VETS 2, Stars III, etc). Based on what we have heard, and given the known and sheer number of firms, many of whom are small businesses that can lay claim to extensive 508 experience and expertise, we expect small businesses to be actively working to influence where and how this is solicited.  

Provided below are a few key points of contact, related data and some of the top firms to know at USDA.  

Key Points of Contact (current or past) 

Pro Tip 1: When viewing relevant Federal staff on LinkedIn – mutual connections you have can be an indicator of a potential partner or competitor  

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Related Data 

Looking for a firm to partner with at the USDA? Click Here You can filter the list by several key indicators, including socio-economic status, NAICS, Contract vehicle, etc.  

USDA focused Firms drawing the most attention: 

Included below is a list of the large and small companies we have noted as drawing the most views by Government and industry leaders on the OrangeSlices AI consultant directory since the beginning of 2023 and that bring direct past performance and/or related relationships in support of USDA. 

** An Elev8 GovCon Honoree, noted for a corporate culture that demonstrates excellence, making the company a beacon for talent, for partners, and for clients.       

We cannot and will not speculate here as to the reasons for the increased interest, but whether it is a company evaluating them as a potential partner; a federal acquisition leader doing their due diligence; or a consultant weighing their next job move, this group of companies has been receiving increased interest.    

Pro Tip 2 If you are a small business with capabilities and socio-economic status that might support this or any related effort, comment below and let others know you are interested. Comments are some of the most viewed portions of any article.  

About OrangeSlices AI  

Developed by a team of government and industry contracting subject matter experts, the OrangeSlices AI data driven platform is a publicly available searchable listing of the top information technology and consulting services contractors doing business with the Federal government today. Driven by a robust and comprehensive set of authoritative and trusted data sources, the tool is intended to help government and industry leaders find the right partner to help deliver on the important missions of the Federal government.   

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  1. VarnerMiller is a WOSB based in Charleston, SC with over 23 years experience in training, instructional design, multimedia/video development, and Section 508 compliance. Currently performing on contracts with focus on 508 compliance and remediation by in-house DHS 508 Compliance Trusted Testers.
    Interested in teaming opportunities on this and other requirements.


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