Update: $100M+ CBP Enterprise Network Architecture Engineering Services RFP pushed to June

Updated April 16, 2024

For those firms wondering where the ENAESS RFP is, the latest word out of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office of Information and Technology (OIT) is that this RFP is now expected out in early June. The remainder of the details remain the same.

November 26, 2023

Update: It looks as if some holiday plans will be saved for some, as the latest word out of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office of Information and Technology (OIT) is that this RFP is now expected out in mid January. The remainder of the details remain the same.

Updated September 12, 2023

For those not watching closely (and for those who have been asking), after some hiccups in getting the package in order this Spring and Summer, a flurry of contract actions and updates over the last week shed some light on the next steps and timing related to a planned RFP for this high-profile and much-anticipated Department of Homeland Security U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office of Information and Technology (OIT) requirement.

On Friday of last week, OIT awarded a $16.6M contract to Sev1Tech to support the continuation of the ENAESS effort. Early this week, the agency followed up by detailing its plans to compete this 5-year requirement as soon as  November of 2023, with an award planned for early 2024. Alliant 2 remains the current vehicle of choice.

More will be shared as it is made available.

Updated April 3, 2023

The Department of Homeland Security confirmed late last week that this upcoming RFP to support the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office of Information and Technology (OIT), Enterprise Infrastructure and Operation Directorate (EIOD), Network Architecture and Engineering Division (NAED), will not be released on the MAS schedule. 

The recompete of this high-profile 5-year contract that was last awarded to Sev1Tech in 2018 is expected to be released in the last Spring timeframe on the GSA Alliant 2 GWAC. A focus for these efforts will be to perform network architecture tasks, engineering tasks, and network implementation services in the following areas for NAED: Integrate Emerging Technologies, Develop Enterprise Network Strategy and Standards, Engineer and Implement Network Solutions, Network Performance Engineering, Network Security, Escalation Support, Program / Project Management, Transition Planning, On-Demand Services, Task Management, AirWatch Support, and Video Teleconferencing VTC System Support. The competition for this contract drew 4 bidders the last time it was competed and we are aware of several large and small firms who were weighing a big response.  

Included below are some of the details from an article OS AI posted last year about this. We have updated a few key areas, to include points of contact, spend to date, forecast and a link to the RFI posted late last year. 

Posted July 28, 2022

A research request was sent to OS AI on Monday of this week from a rapidly emerging mid-tier looking for a list of some of the top partner [and/or competitor] options related to a potential FY 2023 recompete of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) ENAESS program support contract. 

Please note that as this was requested research, only a high-level view is provided here. The research requester received the complete report. 

Details Provided by Requestor 

Scope: A focus for this effort by the incumbent was to leverage ITSM tools, automation, and analytics to provide 24x7x365 support for CBP’s network and security infrastructure, to include mission-essential data communications and applications. Support services covered under this contract can range from providing network and security engineering, network performance monitoring, and communications infrastructure modernization for field sites and multiple Program Directorates, to network troubleshooting, evaluation and testing, and performance analytics. This covers network, cloud and security infrastructure support for 72,000+ users at 1,600+ field sites across 3 Enterprise Data Centers, including, DevSecOps services, ATO support, change management support, enterprise performance management and 24x7x365 Tier III escalation support. 

Competitive Details (if known):  

  • Funding Agency: DHS / U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) 
  • Incumbent: Sev1Tech 
  • Contract Vehicle: This was last competed on GSA IT Schedule 70.   
  • NAICS Series: 541513 
  • Expected Competition Date: tbd 

Related: [Updated]

Key Points of Contact (current or past)

  • Tara LeBlanc, EVP, DHS Mission Solutions – Sev1Tech
  • Monica Watts, Supervisory Contracting Officer (Branch Chief), DHS Monica.Y.Watts@CBP.DHS.Gov
  • Dawn Ford, Contracting Officer, U.S. Customs and Border Protection
  • Tiffany Smoot, Supervisory Contract Specialist, Customs and Border Protection
  • Sonny Bhagowalia, Chief Information Officer (CIO), U.S. Customs and Border Protection
  • Sunil Madhugiri, Chief Technology Officer, U.S. Customs and Border Protection
  • Jean Valdellon, Director Network Architecture & Engineering Division Enterprise Networks & Services Directorate 

Looking to identify a consulting firm that understands the mission of your office or department and has specific and direct experience with CBP? Click Here
You can filter the list by several key indicators, to include socio-economic status, NAICS, Contract vehicle, etc.

Most Viewed Partners at CBP [Updated]

Included below is a list of the IT consulting firms we have noted as drawing the most views by Government and industry leaders on the OrangeSlices AI consultant directory since the beginning of 2023 and that bring direct past performance and/or related relationships in support of CBP. 

** An Elev8 GovCon Honoree, noted for a corporate culture that demonstrates excellence, making the company a beacon for talent, for partners, and for clients.    

We cannot and will not speculate here as to the reasons for the increased interest, but whether it is a company evaluating them as a potential partner; a federal acquisition leader doing their due diligence; or a consultant weighing their next job move, this group of companies has been receiving increased interest.  

If you are a large or small business with capabilities and socio-economic status that might support this effort, comment below. 



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