Update: US Coast Guard C5ISC Data Support Services (DSS) RFP on 8(a) STARS III

Updated February 7, 2024

Those 8(a) STARS III Primes hoping to get a chance to compete for this opportunity to provide a range of services for C5ISC units and detachments located in Kearneysville, WV, Alexandria, VA, Alameda, CA, and Chesapeake, VA, and the various Information Technology Servicing Offices, should note that the US Coast Guard does plan to award this contract on the STARS III GWAC, but it appears that this will be a directed, non-competitive award.


We will not speculate here as to the potential reasons for this action. More details will be shared as to the duration and value as soon as award details are made public.

Added January 4, 2024

The clock is ticking, but we wanted to share that 8(a) STARS III Primes are actively on the hunt for partners who can help provide Data Support Services (DSS) to the United States Coast Guard (USCG) C5ISC Organization – Deputy Commandant for Mission Support.

While not huge in terms of potential value (estimated between $5 and $10M), the opportunity to provide a range of workforce, office space and security services for C5ISC units and detachments located in Kearneysville, WV, Alexandria, VA, Alameda, CA, and Chesapeake, VA, and the various Information Technology Servicing Offices, will draw some interest, especially given the fact that the incumbent is not an 8(a) STARS III Prime

The latest word out of DHS is that an RFP is expected to be released on 8(a) STARS III in mid-March of 2024. More details related an an RFI released this past Fall are included below, as well as a comment from one SDVOSB interested in supporting prime contractors for USCG opportunities in the areas of C5&IT, Cyber, Financial Mgmt and PMO support.

Key Feds to know on this:

  • Kenyada Corley – Kenyada.t.corley@uscg.mil, (703) 203-9820
  • Cole Jackson, Randall.c.jackson@uscg.mil, (703) 417-5583
  • Adrian Flores, COR – adrian.j.flores2@uscg.mil
  • LaChele Edmonds, Contracts – Lachele.P.Edmonds@uscg.mil – 703-313-5582

If you are a firm with capabilities and socio-economic status that might support this or any related effort, feel free to comment below and let others know you are interested. Given the timing, teams will be moving quickly and a direct comment is the fastest way to draw attention.

Posted October 25, 2023

A number of small businesses are on the hunt for partners who can bring US Coast Guard subject matter expertise and relationships, as a potential Prime bidder or sub, in support the current active RFI on eBuy today and any subsequent RFP.  

The focus and overall scope highlighted in the Command, Control, Communication, Computers, Cyber, Intelligence Service Center (C5ISC) Data support services RFI details a 5-year contract requirement seeking a range of support services, to include workforce, asset management, office space and security services for C5ISC units and detachments located in Kearneysville, WV, Alexandria, VA, Alameda, CA, and Chesapeake, VA.  

Departments and the various information Technology Servicing Offices listed below may be consolidated during the period of performance of this task order 17MAY2024- 16MAY2029 and transitioned to this contract in order to obtain workforce, office space and security services.  

  • Base Cleveland C5I Department • Base Kodiak C5I Department • Base National Capital Region (NCR) C5I Department • Base Alameda C5I Department • Pay & Personnel Center (PPC) • Surface Forces Logistics Center (SFLC) • Base Boston C5I Department • Base Honolulu C5I Department • Base Miami Beach C5I Department • Base New Orleans C5I Department Page 5 of 52 • Aviation Logistics Center (ALC) • Finance Center (FINCEN) Chesapeake, VA • Base Seattle C5I Department • Centralized Service Desk (CSD), St. Louis

If you have specific capabilities and/or past performance supporting similar efforts or elsewhere, to include in the commercial sector, comment below so this requestor and other parties who may be seeking partners may see. 

More information will be shared on this opportunity as it is made available.  

Pro Tip 1 If you are a firm with capabilities and socio-economic status that might support this or any related effort, comment below and let others know you are interested. Comments are some of the most viewed portions of any post.  

Looking for an IT and consulting firm to partner with at the Coast Guard? Click Here  You can filter the list by several key indicators, including socio-economic status, NAICS, Contract vehicle, etc.    

Coast Guard focused drawing the most attention:        

Below is a list of the companies we have noted as drawing the most views by Government and industry leaders on the OrangeSlices AI consultant directory over the past quarter and that bring direct past performance and/or related relationships in support of the Coast Guard.  

Several of the companies on this list are Elev8 GovCon Honorees, noted for a corporate culture that demonstrates excellence, making them a beacon for talent, for partners, and for clients.              

We cannot and will not speculate here as to the reasons for the increased interest, but whether it is a company evaluating them as a potential partner; a federal acquisition leader doing their due diligence; or a consultant weighing their next job move, this group of companies has been receiving increased interest.    

Recent/Related Coast Guard News 

Pro Tip 2 Feel like you are missing out on some of the key action at Coast Guard? It can be hard to keep up. Make sure you are in the know by checking out the US Coast Competitive Intelligence Segment page, chock full of insights and intelligence related to the agency.    




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  1. Technology Management Solutions is a certified SDVOSB interested in supporting prime contractors for USCG opportunities in the areas of C5&IT, Cyber, Financial Mgmt and PMO support. Our Executive Leadership Team includes retired Senior USCG personnel poised to support capture and proposal for the right Prime contractors. We value strategic partnerships and long-term relationships that fuel mission excellence.

  2. The Technology Management Solutions LLC Executive Leadership Team is comprised of USCG veterans with deep insights into USCG operations and mission support. We have not found the right partner yet for this USCG opportunity, so let us know if you are pursuing and interested in bolstering your P-WIN.


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