Awardee Name: AXLE INFORMATICS, LLC Unique Entity ID: J4DNP7JJ1MU3 Total Contract Value: $5,895,541.44 Action Obligation: $5,895,541.44 Department Name: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Funding Office: NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH NCATS Description: n3c open data portal and community engagement support services for ncats (covid-19 action) Number of Bidders: 1…

Awardee Name: GROVE RESOURCE SOLUTIONS, INC. Unique Entity ID: NQL3JEME2443 Total Contract Value: $9,790,236.88 Action Obligation: $1,096,870.00 Department Name: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Funding Office: NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH NLM Description: to procure operations and maintenance support for nih cloud platforms. Number of Bidders: 6 Award ID:…

Awardee Name: ICF INCORPORATED, L.L.C. Unique Entity ID: QHBLBNKKV4U3 Total Contract Value: $6,838,049.95 Action Obligation: $2,271,261.00 Department Name: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Funding Office: NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH OLAO Description: the purpose of this contract is to support the chief officer for scientific workforce diversity (coswd) and…

Awardee Name: CAPITOL ADVISORS OF TECHNOLOGY LLC Unique Entity ID: XL3NAJ6K17P9 Total Contract Value: $4,000,000.00 Action Obligation: $0.00 Department Name: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Funding Office: NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH OLAO Description: acquisition management reviews Number of Bidders: 1 Award ID: 75N98022D00059 Set Aside Used: 8(a) Sole…

A research request was recently provided to OS AI from a small business software development and bioinformatics provider seeking to better understand partner [and/or competitor] options related to a potential FY 2023 recompete of this 6-year contract.   We at OrangeSlices AI believe in the need for more and better-informed competition, so provided below are some…