Awardee Name: OAK RIDGE ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INCORPORATED Unique Entity ID: JW7MLW3RRK34 Total Contract Value: $15,284,486.00 Action Obligation: $3,764,630.00 Department Name: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: CENTERS FOR MEDICARE AND MEDICAID SERVICES Funding Office: OFC OF ACQUISITION AND GRANTS MGMT Description: technical assistance services in support to the initiative to support promising research…

Awardee Name: ARMED FORCES SERVICES CORPORATION Unique Entity ID: MFYCXCNW4WL5 Total Contract Value: $5,550,779.02 Action Obligation: $1,769,194.06 Department Name: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ADMINISTRATION (ASA) Funding Office: PROGRAM SUPPORT CENTER ACQ MGMT SVC Description: this is a time and materials contract (gsa order) in support…

Awardee Name: TRIPOINT SOLUTIONS, LLC Unique Entity ID: Q3NHPNH2BKZ5 Total Contract Value: $8,521,803.36 Action Obligation: $4,260,901.68 Department Name: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Funding Office: NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH OLAO Description: nitaac e-gos legacy & next gen with sharepoint support services Number of Bidders: 3 Award ID: 75N98023F00043…

Awardee Name: FLEXION INC. Unique Entity ID: GQJEZ44GH5S5 Total Contract Value: $38,751,151.41 Action Obligation: $6,626,726.77 Department Name: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES Funding Office: ADMIN FOR CHILDREN FAMILIES (ACF) Description: acf/ohs head start enterprise system (hses) Number of Bidders: 6 Award ID: 140D0423F0130 Referenced IDV ID: GS35F523BA…

Awardee Name: SPARKSOFT CORPORATION Unique Entity ID: JXL3M7N4DWX5 Total Contract Value: $44,990,635.00 Action Obligation: $9,295,507.00 Department Name: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: CENTERS FOR MEDICARE AND MEDICAID SERVICES Funding Office: OFC OF ACQUISITION AND GRANTS MGMT Description: master data management (mdm) and enterprise data lake (edl) Number of Bidders: 4 Award ID:…

Awardee Name: MAXIMUS FEDERAL SERVICES, INC. Unique Entity ID: TREKW6J3QSF5 Total Contract Value: $9,666,137.74 Action Obligation: $3,176,968.94 Department Name: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ADMINISTRATION (ASA) Funding Office: PROGRAM SUPPORT CENTER ACQ MGMT SVC Description: hcas – development, modification, integration support services Number of Bidders: 1…

After working together to modernize MCHB’s mission and strategies to optimize health and equity for maternal and child health populations—an effort that addressed everything from setting measurable objectives to branding—Abt has won a new contract to help implement that plan. When the U.S. government issued an Executive Order for the Health Services and Resources Administration’s…