Partner Request: DOJ FBI SharePoint and Website Technical Services Opp

A WOSB SDVOSB is in the hunt for a potential partner (large or small) who maintains capabilities and a Microsoft Solution Partner certification in two or more of the following four specializations: (1) Infra and Database Migration to MS Azure, 92) Adoption and Change Management, (3) Modernize Endpoints and (4) Cloud Security. 

This is in relation to a potential upcoming RFP to acquire a variety of Information Technology (IT) services for Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) web services, systems, and applications in the area of Collaboration Systems Support, Systems Development and Operations, and Website Development and Operations.  


The Contractor shall provide System and Applications Development, as well as Maintenance support services, for the FBI to ensure Information Technology applications and Data Division (ITADD) and the Web Services Unit (WSU) successfully achieve its mission. 

ITADD provides IT engineering leadership to enable FBI business lines to increase mission success and enhance mission capabilities. ITADD is responsible for implementing enterprise solutions to ensure accurate and reliable IT capabilities that facilitate efficient retrieval, sharing, uses and analysis of information. ITADD’s Enterprise Applications and Database Services Section (EADSS) develops and supports mission critical collaboration systems and applications frameworks that support stakeholders within the FBI and other federal agency partners. Information technology architectures are developed and maintained to foster how information is collected, managed, and used to efficiently achieve mission goals. Additionally, EADSS works with other divisions throughout the FBI to develop web-based applications and systems to meet customer needs. 

These applications and systems are developed using a variety of technology platforms, including .NET, JAVA, and other modem programming languages. Using a variety of FBI hosted systems within the Unclassified, Secret and Top Secret enclaves; the FBI provides web based applications and systems in support of more than 25 Headquarters Divisions, all 56 FBI Field Offices and numerous Legal Attaché offices internationally, for a total of approximately 50,000 individual users. 

The WSU, under EADSS, provides the IT systems and services in support of more than 40,000 intranet web sites. These sites enable FBI personnel to quickly access information necessary to support administrative, investigative, and intelligence business activities across the FBI. Currently, the FBI uses SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2016 to enable web services. The FBI will upgrade to newer software as it presents itself and is needed. 

Across the enclaves, WSU is responsible for: 

  • Enterprise web collaboration services management and maintenance.
  • Deployment, operations and maintenance of Intranet platform to include branding, search, phone directory, and presence sites.
  • Deployment, operations and maintenance of enterprise eForms supporting development efforts performed under separate Task Orders.
  • Deployment, operations and maintenance of enterprise applications using SharePoint and/or web based collaboration technologies.
  • Deployment, operations and maintenance of several other development technologies developed under separate Task Orders.
  • Administration and maintenance of the enterprise SharePoint farm, search appliances, web services and other supporting infrastructure technologies.

WSU must routinely upgrade and patch these systems and is responsible for modifying supported applications when the patches and upgrades break them. Within each enclave, supported systems may include separate development, testing, preproduction, production, data recovery and Continuity of Operations (COOP) environments. 

WSU is responsible for establishing and maintaining each of these environments and strives to provide the FBI with an effective and efficient platform for collaborative needs. Each enclave may include multiple, load balanced web front-ends, application servers, and clustered database servers in a variety of application, reporting and content database configurations. The systems may be hosted using a combination of physical and virtual hosts. 

The supported systems and applications are critical to the mission of the FBI because the tools and services are critical to the daily and crisis management efforts of its operational workforce. In addition, these services are instrumental in sharing information and communications across all facets of the FBI organizational units.’ 

Pro Tip 1 – Companies are looking for partners. If you have capabilities and/or relationships that might prove valuable. Comment below to let others know you are interested.  

Alternatively, you may contact us here and let us know, with any relevant information and please reference this partner request. We are getting a lot more of these. Please keep it short.     

Note: This has been provided as an anonymous request, so OS AI will not reveal the name of the requestor. We will pass the information along, but there are no promises of a response.   

We always encourage interested firms to share their interest publicly in the form of a comment as there will be many other firms looking for partners. We do share posted comments in our newsletter, so it can be a great way to create awareness about your capabilities in relation to this type of need. Comment below – you must be logged in.   

Pro Tip 2 – Feel like you are missing out on some of the key action at FBI? It can be hard to keep up. Make sure you are in the know by checking out the FBI Competitive Intelligence Segment page, chock full of insights and intelligence related to the agency.   

DOJ focused Businesses drawing attention of late 

Included below is some of the Department of Justice focused large and small businesses which were the most viewed profiles on the OrangeSlices partner platform over the last several months of 2023. These small and large businesses are winning, growing, and driving some of the key missions of Federal agencies, and are among those to watch as you consider potential vendors, partners, and employers, in the months and years ahead.   

** An Elev8 GovCon Honoree, noted for a corporate culture that demonstrates excellence, making the company a beacon for talent, for partners, and for clients.   

We cannot and will not speculate here as to the reasons for the increased interest, but whether it is a company evaluating them as a potential partner; a federal acquisition leader doing their due diligence; or a consultant weighing their next job move, this group of companies has been receiving increased interest.     



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