The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is planning to replace its decades-old legacy Electronic Health Record, and looking at how a new EHR could help accelerate its use of artificial intelligence tools.

NIH’s Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, the nation’s largest hospital devoted entirely to clinical research, is looking for a replacement for the Clinical Research Information System (CRIS), its EHR that’s been in place for more than 20 years.

Jon McKeeby, the chief information officer at the NIH Clinical Center, said the agency is looking to secure funding — about $150-200 million — in the next six months and the acquisition process for a new EHR…

Read the article here.

Source: NIH looks for new EHR to replace its 20-year old legacy system. By Jory Heckman, February 2, 2024. Federal News Network.

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