DHS set to compete CBP Student Innovation Lab support RFP this Spring

The latest word out of the Department of Homeland Security is that a final RFP related to the recompete of this contract to support the Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3)’s student awareness program is expected to be released as early as May on the GSA OASIS SB IDIQ.  

DHS CP3 will sponsor a scholastic initiative centered on the establishment of semester-long or school year long innovation laboratories to drive innovation and the creation of targeted violence and terrorism prevention programs at the state and local level among a key cohort—youth and young adults. Within high schools, colleges, universities and other academic institutions, each innovation lab will be student-run and must include a semester-length learning curriculum centered on targeted violence and terrorism, its impact on civil society, its intersection with digital tools and platforms, and effective public health-informed strategies to prevent the spread of terrorism and targeted violence using online campaigns or tools. 

This two-year contract will include current and emerging efforts to Design and Implement the Student Innovation Lab Program; Development of a Communications Plan/Strategy, Administrative and Event/Meeting Support; Program Management and Reporting; and the Measurement of Program Impact. 

The incumbent on this contract is Credence Management Solutions. Contract Details and Spend to Date can be found here (70RDAD20FR0000178). 

More detail will be shared as it is made available. 

Key Points of Contact (Current or Past) 

Pro Tip 1 If you are a firm with capabilities and socio-economic status that might support this or any related effort, comment below and let others know you are interested. Comments are some of the most viewed portions of any post.  

Pro Tip 2 Feel like you are missing out on some of the key actions? It can be hard to keep up. Make sure you are in the know by checking out the US Department of Homeland Security Intel Segment page, chock full of insights and intelligence.     


Looking for some good teaming partners that are supporting DHS CBP today?Click Here 

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** An Elev8 GovCon Honoree, noted for a corporate culture that demonstrates excellence, making the company a beacon for talent, for partners, and for clients.        


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