US Army Corps of Engineers updates Sources Sought for Navigation and Civil Works Data Analysis and System Support Professional Services

Notice ID:  W912HQ24S0026

USACE intends to negotiate Multiple Award Task Order Contracts (MATOC) utilizing full and open competition and FAR Part 15 under North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code 541618 (Other Management Consulting Services). The MATOC is anticipated to contain a period of performance consisting of one base year plus four one-year option periods and up to six-months to extend the contract IAW FAR 52.217-8. The anticipated maximum shared capacity of the MATOC is $49,500,000.00.

Note: This is an updated Sources Sought Notice to W912HQ23S0020 and W912HQ23S0034. The Performance Work Statement has changed substantially.

This MATOC will obtain technical and analytical support services for IWR that is generally not readily available within the USACE.  These support services will be used by IWR in accomplishing its missions and supporting reimbursable work units for navigation and water resources work to include but not limited to the following:

  • IWR data systems and applications support, including cyber security compliance, operation, maintenance, upkeep, and development support for all the centers within IWR, with an emphasis on the work performed by the Navigation and Civil Works Decision Support Center (NDC) in Alexandria, Virginia; and New Orleans Louisiana.
  • Analysis of emerging trends and issues in anticipation of changing water resources management conditions to inform the strategic direction of CW missions and the corporate development of policies, programs and investment decision-support strategies, with emphasis on the Navigation mission.
  • Systems-based planning methodologies, tools and training across CW business areas, analysis, economic and socio-economic assessments, enterprise capacity development, national economic analysis, multi-criteria and risk-informed analysis. Development of results-oriented CW Program through the management of national data systems, and application for investment decision support to USACE CW on an enterprise level.

This MATOC will support NDC’s operation, maintenance, upkeep, enhancement, and development of Automated Information Systems (AIS) and applications operated and/or otherwise managed by IWR and its various centers.  Delivered services will require consideration of data and analytical requirements of the USACE’s CW water resources missions to include the areas of study and expertise that IWR provides to its customers through its research, analysis, technical assistance and training activities to include but not limited to Navigation, Flood and Storm Damage Reduction, Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration, Emergency Management, Water Supply, Hydropower and Recreation.

The incorporation of CW water resources mission support functions may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Server, Software, and Data System Maintenance
  • Research and Development of Software, including Models and Data Management and Analytical Applications
  • Modernization and Migration of Software for Operation from On-premise and/or Cloud Environments
  • Cyber Security Risk Management Framework (RMF) and Information System Security Officer (ISSO)Services
  • Data Management and Analysis …

This contract will also allow for delivery of similar services for other yet-to-be named systems operated, managed, or supported by the IWR and its Centers. The four specific AISs referenced above are described below:

Lock Performance Monitoring System (LPMS) – a cloud-based (Amazon Web Services) integrated data system designed to manage information and data associated with characteristics, disposition, operation, status, utilization, and overall performance of the Nation’s navigation locks.

Dredging Information System (DIS) – a cloud-based (Amazon Web Services) integrated data system designed to manage information and data associated with scope, characteristics, costs, planning, scheduling, awarding, and execution of USACE dredging programs and projects.

Notices to Navigation Interests Information System (NTNI) – a cloud-based (Amazon Web Services) integrated data system designed to manage information and data associated with scope, characteristics, scheduling, duration, and anticipated effects of USACE actions that have the potential to affect navigation of/in the nation’s navigable waters.

Transportation Operations and Waterborne Statistics (TOWS) System – a suite of databases and applications that support ingest, review, management, retrieval, reporting, and digital publication of waterborne commerce statistics (e.g., vessel operations and movements, commodity movements) and related data (e.g., dock and navigation infrastructure characteristics, port and statistical boundaries, waterway networks …

Automated Information Systems Service (AIS’s) – AIS capabilities will require understanding of the following:

  1. Relational and geospatial database schemas, API, and user interface development and support requirements for AISs including but not limited to LPMS, DIS, NTNI, and TOWS.
  2. Web services and related software.
  3. Database modernization, integration, and innovation, including awareness of such activities occurring with LPMS, DIS, NTNI, and TOWS systems, and broader industry and technological trends and advancements.
  4. Cloud development and migration (familiarity with multiple cloud providers) …

Read more here.


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