CLOSED: Another Partner Request: $14B VA IHT 2.0 IDIQ – SDVOSBs, EHR/Health Informatics and Supply Chain Firms wanted

Updated April 23, 2024

On the heels of the first partner requests, another shared:

Pleased to announce that we are moving forward for VHA IHT phase II submission. We are looking for teaming partners with consulting experience in health care Supply chain and health informatics especially standards and interoperability (see below). Please reach out.

See the ask here.

Posted April 22. 2024.

Phase I “cuts” were announced last week and OS AI received requests from two firms looking to bolster their team as they prepare to move forward with Phase II of the competition on the next generation of this high-profile and coveted multiple-award IDIQ.

If you are an SDVOSB or a firm with health informatics/EHR/Interoperability expertise and you are interested in joining a team and/or your team was not deemed as viable as part of the review, you can do one of the following:

  1. Respond per the instructions below and OS AI will pass this information onto the respective Prime bidders.
  2. Comment at the bottom of this page to let any and all firms know of your capabilities and interest
  3. VA has not published a list if successful Phase I bidders, but Included below is a list of firms who have publicly announced that they made the cut, with some stating that they are on the hunt for partners. We are aware of many others, but we will only share publicly available information.

IHT Phase I Success Announcements

** An Elev8 GovCon Honoree, noted for a corporate culture that demonstrates excellence, making the company a beacon for talent, for partners, and for clients.

Interested in learning more about VA IHT II and the scope of work covered under this IDIQ? Click here for the RFP


If you have capabilities and/or relationships that can be of value, please contact us here and let us know, with any relevant information and please reference this partner request. We are getting a lot more of these. Please keep it short.     

Note: This has been provided as an anonymous request, so OS AI will not reveal the name of the requestor. We will pass the information along, but there are no promises of a response.   

Alternatively, we always encourage interested firms to share their interest publicly in the form of a comment as there will be many other firms looking for partners. We do share posted comments in our newsletter, so it can be a great way to create awareness about your capabilities in relation to this type of need. Comment below – you must be logged in.  


Not Yet a Premium Partner/Sponsor? Learn more about the OS AI Premium Corporate and Individual Plans here. Plans start at $295 annually.


  1. From a reader – Hearing of a few other firms that made the cut as a Prime or part of a JV – Prometheus | HRS | Reefpoint | Blue Water Thinking  


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