Navy RFQ: Museum IT Architecture for the new National Museum

Notice ID: N0018924Q0345

The Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC) seeks a contractor to plan, organize, and execute a study to determine the infrastructure requirements, costs, Department of the Navy (DON) CIO approvals needed, and manpower requirements to establish a modern, robust museum IT architecture for the new National Museum of the United States Navy Campus.  The study will examine at least three (3) museums (U.S. Navy Academy; Naval War College; and the National Museum of the United States Army (NMUSA), at a minimum to determine and report on the IT architecture necessary on how to establish a web-presence separate and apart from the traditional Navy and Marine Corps Internet (NMCI) / service component IT infrastructure.  This contractor will select a contractor to conduct a study of other Navy, DOD, or public agencies or museums to determine the hardware, software, and manning best practices for the establishment of a world class museum IT system and website and provide NHHC with a plan on how to accomplish this as well as associated projected costs.

More here.


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