Notice ID: 70FA3124I00000012
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Disaster Assistance Information Services (DAIS) Program seeks to identify potential offerors that possess the capability and experience to provide FEMA’s website with content management and content filtering functionality to prescreen applicants for disaster-related assistance suitability and also deliver current disaster related forms of assistance content.
The Contractor shall support the Division and Directorate with Technical Assistance, Program/Project Management Support, and Special Projects/Disaster Surge Support. The Contractor shall provide skilled personnel to support agile software development, operation and maintenance. This includes software application requirements analysis, design, development, integration, testing, implementation, maintenance support, and management of web-based applications, databases and technologies. The Contractor shall provide the experience and skills to identify, document, and satisfy these requirements in a dynamic and complex IT environment.
The responsibilities of the Contractor relating to the DAIS program include, but are not exclusive of the following:
- Continued expansion, engineering, and maintenance of Survivor Online Application and Resource Portal (SOAR) and the associated website gov and development of new solutions to meet the needs of DAIS to include, but not limited to, rules engine, cloud computing, referral information, registration, and data exchange services relating to disaster assistance capabilities and non-federal agency disaster assistance FOAs, regardless of their method(s) of assistance delivery.
- Continued expansion, engineering, and maintenance of SOAR and the gov web portal to allow for cloud computing services through a FedRAMP accredited provider allowing for effective management of information pertaining to and registration for disaster assistance available from federal and non-federal sources.
- Continued expansion, engineering, and maintenance of SOAR and gov supported content management system and its components for DAIS.
As needed by the Program Office other projects may be required for the Recovery IT Systems which currently include but are not limited to:
- Automated Construction Estimating Software System (ACE);
- Contact Center Capability Modernization Program (C3MP)
- Disaster Assistance Improvement Program (DAIP);
- Emergency Management Mission Integrated Environment (EMMIE);
- Enterprise Data Warehouse – Recovery (EDW-Recovery);
- Field Assessment and Collection Tools (FACT);
- FEMA Applicant Case Tracker (FAC-TRAX);
- Housing Operations Management Enterprise System (HOMES);
- Incident Management Coordination Assessment and Declaration (IMCAD);
- National Emergency Management Information System – Emergency Coordination (NEMIS- EC);
- National Emergency Management Information System – Individual Assistance (NEMIS-IA);
- National Mass Evacuation Tracking System (NMETS);
- National Shelter System (ESF6-SS);
- Virginia System Repository (VSR);
- Service Now Development (CRM implementation)
The anticipated contract value is $55M with an anticipated period of performance of a
base period of five (5) months, to allow for a transition-in period, and four (one year) option periods for a total duration of 4.5 years.
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