EPA Sources Sought: D–Engine and Vehicle Compliance Information System

Notice ID 68HERH24Q0014

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) and the Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ), the Compliance Division (CD), is responsible for developing, implementing, and determining compliance with regulations concerning motor vehicle and engine emissions and fuel economy performance for all industries.  Laws governing these regulations are in support of Title II of the Clean Air Act (CAA), the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA), and the Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act (MVICSA). OTAQ Compliance Information Systems support the implementation of the above stated regulations.

Support for this project is currently being provided under task order GS00Q09BGD0025/68HE0H18F1530 with General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT). This Task Order was competed among EPA’s Software Engineering and Specialized Scientific Support (SES3) Blanket Purchase Agreement holders. The contractor provides support at both onsite at the EPA laboratory located in Ann Arbor, MI and at GDIT’s facility.

Business Objectives: EV-CIS supports over 3400 external authorized users from regulated industries and over 100 internal EPA users.  It is a suite of customized applications that meets a wide variety of business needs related to OTAQ’s compliance functions. The following are among the key business needs that EV-CIS meets today, as well as anticipated future needs.

EV-CIS aligns with the EPA Mission of Protecting the Air and the Environment. EPA relies on EV-CIS to provide tools, modules, user interfaces to facilitate and add efficiencies to the compliance monitoring of emissions, greenhouse gas, and fuel economy information for mobile source engines, vehicles and related components.

EV-CIS are web database and workflow applications that allow for the submission, review, and issuance of certificates of conformity. It is used for creating fuel economy labels found on vehicles as well as corporate average fuel economy (CAFE).  EV-CIS also supports other agencies that use the information we collect, such as the National Highway and Transportation Administration (an office in the Department of Transportation, the Department of Energy, and the Internal Revenue Service (the Treasury Department).

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