DOT FTA RFP: Project Management Oversight (PMO) Requirement

Notice ID: FTA_2024_PMO_0005

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is releasing a solicitation for the Project Management Oversight (PMO) requirement. The United States Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), is responsible for the administration of grants and loans to assist State and local public bodies (recipients) in financing the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, and capital improvements of transit facilities under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 53. Hence, FTA has substantial oversight responsibilities to ensure capital projects are delivered under the terms of the respective grant or loan agreement and meet all Federal requirements.

The Office of Capital Project Management, within the Office of Program Management (TPM), develops and implements a program of project management oversight for major transit infrastructure projects. These projects include new Fixed Guideways, Core Capacity Projects, and Small Starts investments. The purpose of the Project Management Oversight Program is to ensure recipients have the technical capacity, capability, and appropriate plans to deliver the planned scope of major capital projects on schedule and within budget.

Specific performance requirements will be set forth in individual Task Orders awarded during the Period of Performance of this Contract. The Contractors shall provide high quality support related to the requirements specified below. Key services include the review of PMP’s and the recipient’s management capacity and capability to ensure the successful delivery of the project scope within budget, schedule, and in accordance with all applicable Federal requirements. Products and services delivered under this contract will assist FTA in accomplishing its legislatively mandated mission. This includes assessing and evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of project sponsor’s development and implementation of federally assisted transit projects, and ensuring that the recipient is capable of the following:

  • Providing continuous administrative and management direction for project operations.
  • Providing adequate technical inspection and supervision of all work in progress for conformance with approved plans and specifications, using qualified professionals.
  • Monitoring grant and project activities to ensure that schedules are met, and other performance goals are achieved.
  • Keeping project expenditures within an established measure of the latest approved project budget…

The Contractor shall provide project management, administrative, staffing, planning, scheduling, etc., services required by the Contract and/or Task Order. These activities include, but are not limited to the following:

  • All activities associated with submitting proposals to the Agency in concert with the negotiated Task Order requirements.
  • All activities associated with recruiting and hiring staff, such as advertising, screening applicants, interviewing, reference checking, etc.
  • Maintaining “in-house” skills, teaming and/or subcontract arrangements to ensure staff with the requisite experience, skills and knowledge are available on short notice.
  • Screening and processing prospective contract staff to ensure all Contractor employees used under this contract meet personnel hiring and security clearance requirements.
  • All activities associated with management of the Contractor’s facilities that may be utilized, including obtaining space, equipment, furniture, supplies, maintenance, etc.
  • Utilizing electronic means to conduct business transactions such as Implementation Plans, Task Order Requests for Proposals (TORPs), email to support administration of active task orders, Contractor invoicing, and electronic funds transfer for payment of approved invoices. Note: After contract award, the Contractor and the Contracting Officer shall agree on the methods and scope of electronic communications that the Contractor shall follow during the contract period…

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