DOD Draft RFP: Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (CDAO) Advana Program Enterprise Data Engineering



Released Date:2024-09-05 | Close Date:2024-09-19


Description:This is a draft Fair Opportunity Proposal Request (FOPR) that is issued for the purpose of developing a viable solicitation that will best communicate the Government’s requirements to industry through this exchange of information. Responses to this draft FOPR are voluntary and will not affect any contractor’s ability to submit a proposal if, or when, a solicitation is released. The Government is requesting that interested respondents review the following documents and questions provided below. Please note the documents attached to this draft FOPR are drafts and are subject to change. The DoD CDAO/771 ESS greatly appreciate your recommendations and questions and will actively work to incorporate your feedback. Responses to this draft FOPR shall be annotated in the Comment Matrix Excel file attached to this posting. Responses to this draft FOPR shall be submitted via email to and Responses must be received via email prior to 12PM Eastern, 19 September 2024. Email Subject line must read “Draft FOPR for DoD Advana Enterprise Data Engineering – [Company Name]”. The Comment Matrix file name must read Company Name_Comment Matrix. The Comment Matrix excel file includes a tab for each document and a general information tab with a space to respond to the questions listed below. Disclaimers: This Draft FOPR is for planning purposes only and does NOT constitute a commitment, implied or otherwise, that a procurement action will be issued. The Government will not reimburse or pay for information submitted in response to this draft FOPR. All submissions become Government property and will not be returned. No entitlement to payment by the Government of direct costs or charges will arise because of the submission of information in response to this draft FOPR. Proprietary information shall NOT be submitted in response to this Draft FOPR, nor will the Government be liable for or suffer any consequential damages for any improperly identified proprietary information. No award will be made as a result of this draft FOPR. This draft FOPR is for informational purposes only to promote exchanges of information with industry. The Government will not pay for any information and/or materials received in response to this Draft RFP and is not obligated by the information received. Contact Nicholas Kimmey Department of the Air Force Department of the Air Force Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB, OH (AFMC) 9372129240


Advana is the Department of Defense (DoD) Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office’s (CDAO) enterprise-wide, multi-domain data, analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI) platform that provides all DoD military and civilian decision makers, analysts, and builders with enterprise data, tools, and capabilities—all in a scalable, reliable, and secure environment. Jointly managed by the DoD CDAO Mission Analytics and Enterprise Platforms and Services Directorates, the mission of Advana is to accelerate decision advantage by making data, analytics, and AI widely accessible, understandable, and actionable across DoD. To do this, the Advana platform hosts curated analytics applications in a total of 13 DoD business domains, to include logistics, people and health, intelligence and security, readiness and global force management, etc.; it provides market-leading, self-service tools to perform data exploration, model development, data visualization, and other analysis activities; and it provides both users and builders on-demand data, analytics, and AI capabilities via a DoD-wide platform.
1.2 Objectives

The objectives for this procurement are as follows:

1.2.1. Obtain program management expertise that drives continuously improving program efficiencies and operational effectiveness in supporting approximately 400 automated data pipelines and approximately 30 AI/machine learning (ML) models.

1.2.2. Provide the DoD with state-of-the-art enterprise data engineering capabilities to amplify the impact of new and existing analytics applications used on Advana.

1.2.3. Prepare the DoD for data productization, by systematically implementing strong data governance and AI governance principles, processes, and practices within its centralized data, analytics, and AI platform, Advana.

Download the Full Draft RFP Here – FA800324R0017 Attachment 1 PWS_Draft.1725568052335


DOD Sources Sought: Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (CDAO) Advancing Analytics Multiple Award Contract (AAMAC) IDIQ


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