Army Draft RFP: Financial Management Operations Support Services

Notice ID: W91CRB-23-R-0023

The U. S. Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground (ACC-APG) has a requirement on behalf of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Cost and Economics (DASA-CE) to provide services for the necessary non-personal cost and economic analysis activities. Specific duties of the DASA-CE related to Financial Management Operations (FMO) include: develop, implement and direct the U.S. Army Cost and Economic Analysis Program as it relates to all financial management activities, to include establishing cost and economic analysis policies, methods and procedures; develop and maintain cost factors to determine requirements for installation base operations and civilian personnel in support of the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution System (PPBES) processes; and develop and implement Army cost management policy and procedures.

The Contractor shall provide technical and analytical support services to support DASA-CE’s Standard Service Costing (SSC), Civilian Rate Execution (CRE), and Army Military-Civilian Cost System (AMCOS). The Contractor shall develop methods, databases, and reports to estimate the cost of services to be provided at Army installations for the purpose of supporting the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution System (PPBES) process.

4.2 The Contractor shall develop SSC cost estimating relationships (CERs) and cost estimates for use in generating Army Installation service requirements.

4.2.1 The Contractor shall normalize cost data.

  1. The Contractor shall normalize Army Installation Status Report – Services (ISR-S) cost data as well as related or substitute cost data as directed by the Chief, Secretary of the Army Financial Management for Cost Economics Installations (SAFM-CEI) or COR. The Contractor shall normalize cost data by adjusting for inflation, regional differences, foreign currencies, or other factors as directed in DASA-CE’s published guidance, SSC Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), and by SAFM-CEI personnel. The Contractor must complete this process by May 1st of each year, or as directed by the Chief, SAFM-CEI or COR.
  2. The Contractor shall provide to the Chief, SAFM-CEI or COR, electronic Microsoft (MS) Access and Excel databases for each installation service containing at a minimum:
    • A complete set of raw data.
    • A complete set of normalized data.
    • A set of records of any data that was removed or altered as part of the normalization process, as well as annotation of rules and assumptions that were applied.
    • Any indices or tables used for normalization; and
    • Any transformations, intermediate calculations, or other adjustments performed for normalization.

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