More Cuts on $14B VHA Integrated Healthcare Transformation (IHT) 2.0 IDIQ

Updated June 18, 2024

Why so quiet on the IHT 2.0 front? The simple answer is that no one wants to jinx their win! VA has made the final cut and all apparent awardees have been informed, but final ‘negotiations’ are still taking place with the Prime awardees and it may take a few weeks for all of the dust to settle, with some known Fed vacations playing a role in this. There are more known awardees today than the VA had said they expected to make and none of the firms want to give the VA a reason to trim them off the list. Don’t expect any win announcements from any of the Primes until the ink is dry.

OS AI is aware (unconfirmed) that at least two firms that were in the final running were informed that they were not selected after all. Will protests be forthcoming? We will see. What we have heard is that VA has a set of tasks orders teed up and ready to release for competition. More to be shared as it becomes official.

Updated June 15, 2024

Update from Allen Smith, VA SAC Supervisory Contracting Officer/ Division Chief:

“Yesterday, I sent a lot of emails “on a Friday around 5PM” (It was not intentional to miss the news cycle…just when every notice was finally prepared). I’m still gushing with gratitude for all the public servants involved with this contract- they continue to amaze me with their talent and sacrifices.

If you are one of the Phase II offerors removed from the competitive range, I highly recommend asking for a debrief. When you do, you have the option to ask for a pre-award debrief (FAR 15.505) or have it delayed until after the award. The difference equates to the amount of minimum information provided in the debrief. This decision is important since “Offerors are entitled to no more than one debriefing for each proposal.” FAR 15.505(a)(3)

Pre award:
(1) The agency’s evaluation of significant elements in the offeror’s proposal.
(2) A summary of the rationale for eliminating the offeror from the competition.
(No number, identity, content, ranking, evaluation results of other offerors can be shared)

Post award:
(1) The Government’s evaluation of the significant weaknesses or deficiencies in the offeror’s proposal, if applicable;
(2) The overall evaluated cost or price (including unit prices) and technical rating, if applicable, of the successful offeror and the debriefed offeror, and past performance information on the debriefed offeror;
(3) The overall ranking of all offerors, when any ranking was developed by the agency during the source selection;
(4) A summary of the rationale for the award;

In both scenarios, debriefs will also include “reasonable responses to relevant questions” about whether the Government followed the RFP and laws/regs.

Debriefings may be done orally, in writing, or by any other method acceptable to the contracting officer. (I’d love to hear ideas–What might also be another method a CO might find acceptable? Through a video? Interpretive dance?)

If you received notice yesterday that you are in the competitive range, I sent discussion letters this morning. Check your inbox! ✉️ It’s still considered a sensitive phase in the process, so you may wish to hold off on blasting out those “we made the competive range!” LinkedIn posts.

Debriefs may be delayed since I am headed across the pond this week to take my beautiful teenage daughters and wife on holiday (and to some concert? 🤷‍♂️) What a great way for this dad to spend some quality time with my beautiful daughters so close to Fathers Day! Which reminds me- Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there (especially mine). He taught me everything I need to know about hard work, resilience, accountability, kindness, and faith. I never appreciated it growing up, but I sure do now as a father of two.”

See The Full Post Here

Updated April 27, 2024

The VA’s SAC continues to work hard to engage and communicate with bidders on this important IDIQ contract, this time sharing a list of some of the firms who made the Phase II cut and are open to partner discussions, This is a small sampling of

“Within emails providing advisory notices to Phase I offerors, the Government invited those assessed (positive and negative) to voluntarily submit POC and company information. The purpose of opting-in is to make known their company’s intention to propose as a prime contractor in Phase II. Other companies can then reference this list when seeking to join a VIT for a Phase II proposal. The list of contacts provided is not an all-inclusive list of every potential Phase II Offeror (considerably more advisory notices were sent than those companies that opted-in) and does not represent the official proposal intention required by the RFP. Inclusion on this courtesy list does not represent perceived standing, viability results, or any other endorsement by the Government. The list is provided only as a courtesy to companies seeking partnerships with potential Phase II prime offerors.
1) Arrow ARC, LLC
Tara Dean

2) Attiso, LLC
Kila Thomas

3) Blue Water Thinking
Beth Mahan

4) Charles F. Day & Associates, LLC
Jeff Butler

5) Greenside Solutions
Cory Gritter
6) Prometheus Federal Services, LLC
Shawn Boo

7) Rios Partners
Erika Wohl

8) Titan-Auxo, LLC
Derek Johnson

9) Tribility
IHT2 Business Development Team

10) WP Health Consulting
Darin Hagerdon

The Government encourages all potential Prime Contractors whose information is included in the list to share the results of its Advisement Letter with interested partners who reach out for good faith dealings. Prospective partners are advised to ask POCs they contact about the results of the Government’s assessment when making business decisions on partnering. As mentioned above, this list does not represent perceived standing, viability results, or any other endorsement by the Government.”

The Amendment 0006 – VHA Integrated Healthcare Transformation (IHT) 2.0 IDIQ can be read here. 

Updated March 18, 2024

Right on time (or close enough) — in the dark of night, #VA posted the RFP for the $14B Integrated Healthcare Transformation (IHT) 2.0 #SDVOSB Set-Aside Multiple-Award IDIQ

See the Full Solicitation Here. 

Added February 23, 2024

Notice ID: 36C10X24R0026

The Office of Healthcare Transformation (OHT) is charged with leading multiple initiatives associated with leadership priorities. OHT currently has 160 FTE and supports over 60 projects, including major transformational initiatives, to best accomplish VHA’s mission and strategic goals, and priorities. Much of this work is complex and agile and is aligned with leadership priorities.

The high priority, complex, rapid response legislative and political drivers of much of the work of the VHA and supported by OHT continues to evolve as does the need to quickly leverage contract support for specialized healthcare professional services on a task order to aid in meeting these requirements.

Given the nature of OHT’s mission, work will require expertise supporting projects within the following Functional Categories and Capability Areas:

  • Health System Transformation and Innovation,
  • Implementation and Operations Support,
  • Healthcare Business Enabling Services, and
  • Health Informatics.

…Much of this work is complex and agile. Multiple activities, both internal to OHT and in collaboration with external VHA program offices, require the contractor to provide services across combinations of Functional Categories I, II and III, with potential for some simulation and agile methodology services under Functional Category IV. OHT responsibilities include Enterprise Program and Project Management Implementation, many driven by Presidential and Congressional mandates, policy changes, and other legislation.

Primary labor categories will include program management and program implementation resources; health systems subject matter experts; communication experts; program analysts, change management specialists, and specialized subject matter experts. Through its program management and implementation support and project specific assessments and reports, contractor will provide direct expert recommendations to support the further development and provision of program management best practices, program implementation, program evaluation, change management implementation, and business processes, standards, and procedures under the auspice of the various emerging programs listed below.

The anticipated official release of the Request for Proposal is March 14, 2024.

This is a 100% set aside. While eligible SDVOSBs may submit offers alone, the Government anticipates numerous teaming partners (SDVOSB and otherwise) will be necessary to successfully provide support.

No Questions or responses will be taken from this draft solicitation.

Read more here.


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