Issue Date:2024-08-21 | Due Date:2024-08-27
Description:On behalf of Navy, GSA is conducting market research. To respond to this RFI, copy and paste the below link into a new browser. Only responses submitted through the linked RFI will be accepted. Nothing else will be evaluated or recorded (this includes selecting ‘interested’ within eBuy).
Link to RFI: https://feedback.gsa.gov/jfe/form/SV_3Wca5SDyi8cLQ3k Note: If the link does not work, try clearing your browser history (cache) and then copying and pasting the link into a new browser. Any questions regarding this RFI will be responded to by email only. Send your inquiry to: rfi@research.gsa.gov – be sure to include the RFQ number.
The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) located in Monterey, California supports the U.S. Navy, other military branches, and foreign military services with postgraduate education for personnel. Additionally, NPS provides significant research capabilities to the Department of Defense. The Information Technology and Communication Services (ITACS) Department at NPS supports every aspect of the school’s mission by providing all communications services, telephone support, and network support into core computing function for the entire school.
Kuali Coeus (KC) is an existing system used by NPS and maintained by ITACS. NPS uses KC for its local research administration system. KC is written in the Java programming language and is a recognized software system used in universities nationwide.
The Government requires support services to develop, customize, modify, integrate, and maintain KC.
The objective of this requirement is to provide Java developer support to customize the KC code to meet the requirements of NPS, assist ITACS with implementing the customized version as a production system, maintain the customized code when released to production, and add additional features/modules that are needed by NPS. Specifically, in March 2013, NPS began a two-phase project to customize and implement/maintain the open-source KC software as a research administration system. Phase One involves the customization of KC to meet the unique needs of NPS. Phase Two consists of the implementation and maintenance of the customized version of KC as a production system, the integration of legacy system data, aligning documentation, and enhancing the graphical user interface. Both phases are in progress and will continue until the end of the period of performance of this requirement. Currently, all five of the original modules (Proposal Development Document, Proposal Budget, Institutional Proposal, Award, and Award Budget) have completed initial conversion and moved to Phase Two. The first two modules have been in production for over five years. Institutional Proposal has also been updated and implemented into production to cover recent changes in review and reporting processes. Award and Award Budget are nearing the final stages of conversion and will be ready for testing and release in the upcoming contract period. Reporting requirements have been developed and approved. The development and testing will be accomplished in the upcoming performance period so that data can be exported from KC. Reporting will include standard “canned” reports as well as an ad-hoc functionality allowing a flexible reporting solution for any data request received. Additional modules will be evaluated by the KC Functional Team and may be required to be implemented through the Phase one and Phase two approach.
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