8(a) SDVOSB Rios Partners has been awarded a one-year. $4M Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) contract for innovation support services. The contract was awarded as a SDVOSB sole-source set-aside action. Awardee Name: RIOS PARTNERS Contract Duration: 12 months Total Contract Value: $4,449,661.10 Funding Agency: DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Number of Bidders: 1 RFP ID: 36C10X21Q0299 […]
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Woman-owned SSI beat out two other bidders to win a 2½-year IDIQ from the Department of Veterans Affairs to provide Electronic Data Interchange and Paper to Electronic (EDI P2E) Healthcare Clearing House (HCCH) services. The RFP for this IDIQ, valued at $65M, was posted on SAM.gov. Awardee Name: SSI CLAIMSNET LLC Contract Duration: 30 months […]
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Woman-Owned SDVOB Favor TechConsulting beat out 5 other bidders to win a 5-year, $5M Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) task for information security continuous monitoring / continuous diagnostics and mitigation program support. The task was awarded using the T4NG contract vehicle. Awardee Name: FAVOR TECHCONSULTING Contract Duration: 60 months Total Contract Value: $4,667,565.40 Funding Agency: […]
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By Light beat out three other bidders to win a 4½-year task from the Department of Veterans Affairs to provide VetPro support services. This task, valued at $7M, was competed against the T4NG contract vehicle. Awardee Name: BY LIGHT, PROFESSIONAL IT SERVICES, INC. Contract Duration: 54 months Total Contract Value: $6,848,003.94 Funding Agency: VETERANS AFFAIRS, […]
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Continuing its winning ways with VA, this SDVOSB Management and IT consulting firm, with core capabilities in Performance Transformation, Financial Management, Healthcare and Benefits, Systems Integration, IT, and Data Analytics, closed out FY2021 with a slew of additional wins in support of the agency adding tasks 11,12,13,14,15,16 and 17 on the $1B IDIQ intended to support Health System Transformation and Innovation, Implementation and Operations Support and Specialized Health Systems Functions.
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SDVOSB Metrics beat out 3 other bidders to win a 5-year, $6M Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) contract for information security program support. The contract was awarded as an SDVOSB set-aside action using the GSA MAS contract vehicle. Awardee Name: METRICS, LLC Contract Duration: 57 months Total Contract Value: $5,706,040.37 Funding Agency: DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS […]
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