Awardee Name: TECHNICAL AND ENGINEERING SUPPORT ALLIANCE, LLC Unique Entity ID: GNBBRTSJJCM3 Total Contract Value: $6,548,413.88 Action Obligation: $1,408,057.95 Department Name: COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Funding Office: DEPT OF COMMERCE NOAA Description: protech order for data services, analysis, administration, and management support Number of Bidders: 2 Award ID: 1305M323FNFFM0264…

Awardee Name: TENACIOUS SOLUTIONS LLC Unique Entity ID: PRCDFW62N182 Total Contract Value: $3,921,408.32 Action Obligation: $738,615.18 Department Name: COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: INTERNATIONAL TRADE ADMINISTRATION Funding Office: DEPT OF COMMERCE ITA Description: tbm services for ita Number of Bidders: 1 Award ID: 1331L523P13500127 Set Aside Used: 8(a) Sole Source More here.

Awardee Name: M2 STRATEGY INC Unique Entity ID: CAW2NYCZME83 Total Contract Value: $5,692,747.60 Action Obligation: $588,527.84 Department Name: COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Funding Office: DEPT OF COMMERCE NOAA Description: task order issued for technical and program management advising for the future weather radar program Number of Bidders: 2 Award…

This recent Congressional Innovation Fellow and rising leader who advised the Speaker and staff on topics such as disinformation, Section 230, platform accountability, data privacy, cyber threats, autonomous vehicles, 5G, broadband, and antitrust, has taken on a new role supporting the Department of Commerce Chief Data Officer on AI.

An integrated group of government portals that would allow users to easily find and access benefits and services from any device is where the future of government digital services should be heading, Department of Commerce CIO Andre Mendes said Thursday. Speaking at FedScoop’s annual FedTalks event, Mendes proposed that the U.S. should have “federal, state…

Awardee Name: ECS FEDERAL, LLC Unique Entity ID: XYB4JU4PA6T4 Total Contract Value: $19,962,792.98 Action Obligation: $3,444,644.30 Department Name: COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Funding Office: DEPT OF COMMERCE NOAA Description: noaa office of science and technology economics and human development branch protech support Number of Bidders: 1 Award ID: 1305M323FNFFK0224…

Awardee Name: MIAMITSPI, LLC Unique Entity ID: KHQ7LUJQLTG9 Total Contract Value: $2,841,901.72 Action Obligation: $731,510.35 Department Name: COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Funding Office: DEPT OF COMMERCE NOAA Description: office of protected resources (opr) environmental consultation organizer (eco) consultation management system maintenance Number of Bidders: 1 Award ID: 1305M323FNFFK0191 Referenced…