Forecast Record Number: F2023063263
Anticipated Award Quarter: Q4 FY2024
Description: ICE Health Service Corps (IHSC) requires a multi-module electronic health record system that is appropriate for a network of interdisciplinary detention facility healthcare clinics. The system must have a central database that allows IHSC to access and receive patient information across their multi-clinic system to manage care for large groups of patients with varying levels of medical acuity that are in custody for varying intervals of time. The system must support Artificial Intelligence Medical Coding, Behavioral Health Module, Dental Module, Pharmacy Module, Electronic Medical Administration Record (eMAR) with correctional facility pill line management, Nurse Charting Module including 24-hour continuous narrative and point of care documentation capabilities, a patient portal, specialty consultant documentation support, referral management functionality for medical visits to specialist outside of the facility, System Tier 3 Support, and Telehealth capabilities
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