Notice ID: 75ACF124Q00035
This source sought notice is restricted to 8(a) small businesses.
Under the Department of Health and Human Service, CB is a component of the Administration for Children and Families’ (ACF) Administration for Children, Youth, and Families (ACYF). CB provides national leadership and direction in planning, managing, and coordinating the administration and financing of a broad range of comprehensive and supportive programs for vulnerable children and families funded primarily through titles IV-B and IV-E.
CB approves, monitors, and conducts reviews of title IV-E agency automated Child Welfare information systems and development projects. As child welfare program needs continue to evolve, technical assistance to improve data quality and automation for the National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD), Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS), IV-E Primary Prevention Program, Child and Family Services Review (CFSR) and Comprehensive Child Welfare Information Systems (CCWIS) is critical. In addition, technical assistance and guidance to states and tribes planning and implementing child welfare information technology solutions remains a top priority to support child welfare service delivery, as well as technical assistance that may be needed to support new programs, policies or child welfare laws.
The technical assistance will provide guidance to increase the accuracy, consistency, completeness, integrity, and timeliness of data collected, maintained, and used by these agencies. The data collected and maintained by these agencies will ultimately be used for administering their programs, be shared with other agencies, and/or submitted to the federal government as mandatory and voluntary reporting requirements. The technical assistance provided will also address the usability of information systems, the design of the system components, the technologies employed, and the process for exchanging information between various information systems. Technical assistance will also include the development of the policies and processes that CB will use to monitor and evaluate the information systems implemented by states, tribes, and local agencies.
Capabilities Sought:
CB intends to provide states and tribes with focused and highly proficient technical resources that can offer guidance and technical assistance to help address or solve both unique and common issues that state and tribal staffs encounter with their information technology projects.
The scope of this technical assistance includes, but is not limited to all aspects of information system projects:
- Planning
- Design
- Development
- Implementation
- Operation and Maintenance
- Project Management
- Use of the resulting application by state and tribal staffs; and
- Review of the application and project.
Additionally, the scope of this technical assistance includes, but is not limited to general information system guidance and current technology, such as:
- System architecture
- Data modeling and data architecture
- Modular design approach
- Enterprise applications
- Quality of data; and
- Automated data exchanges and data exchange standards.
The respondent will also assist in planning, research, developing drafts and presenting supplemental technical tools and policy documents to aid State and Tribal IT project staffs.
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