RFP Pushed Back again: DHS CISA OBP/ISD Program Management and Engagement Support

Updated April 30, 2024

We sound like a broken record, but the latest word out of DHS is that the recompete of this 5-year Administration and Program Management Support Services (APMSS) contract has been pushed back to late September. There is a decent amount of interest from potential bidders as the predecessor contract, previously held by longtime incumbent Deloitte is still slated to be competed as a small business set-aside on GSA OASIS. And the current incumbent (RCM Solutions), who was awarded a bridge contract late last Summer (70RCSJ23FR0000038) does not appear to qualify as Prime bidder on OASIS SB.

More will be shared as it is made available. This is worth keeping an eye on as it appears to be a moving target.


Updated March 13, 2024

Once again, those OASIS small business Primes gearing up to bid on this Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency requirement will need to wait a little longer as the latest word out of DHS is that this RFP is now expected to be released in late April.

Updated December 08, 2023

Those OASIS small business Primes gearing up to bid on this Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency requirement will need to wait a little longer as the latest word out of DHS is that this RFP is now expected to be released in mid-February.

Updated October 18, 2023

Those OASIS small business Primes gearing up to bid on this Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency requirement will need to wait a little longer as the latest word out of DHS is that this RFP is now expected to be released in mid-December.

Added July 31, 2023

This is not a large contract, but anytime a planned RFP is switched from unrestricted to a small business set-aside action, the level of interest is bound to go up. As such, the OS AI team has received several inquiries in relation to the upcoming recompete of this 5-year contract to provide the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency with a range of administrative, analytical, budget, and technical services, to include researching, coordinating responses, establishing, maintaining, and updating task-tracking tools. 

The incumbent and current Prime on the Office for Bombing Prevention Administrative and Program Management Support Services contract is Deloitte. This task order (as well as another soon-to be expiring sister task order to provide OBP with strategic policy, analysis, and communication, outreach and engagement support services), was awarded to Deloitte under a recently expired multiple award NPPD support BPA.  Contract Details and Spend to Date for the OBP/ISD PM support task can be found here. A known and major subcontractor to Deloitte on this effort providing CISA with a range of administration and program management support services, is RCM Solutions. (Of note is that Teracore is a sub to Deloitte in the other aforementioned OBP Comms support task) 

The RFP for the next iteration of this 5-year Program Management services task in support of the Office for Bombing Prevention (OBP) and Infrastructure Security Division (ISD) Front Office is expected to be worth between $10M and $20M in TCV and it is currently slated to be released in mid-September as a small business set-aside action on GSA OASIS. More details about this competition will be shared here as they are made available.  

Key Points of Contact (Current and Past) [Updated 10.17.23]

  • Patricia Smart, Contracts – (202) 679-5265
  • Daniel Otis, Contracts – (202) 702-4131
  • Shireen Belanger, Contracts, CISA 
  • Shannon Kennedy, Contract Specialist, shannon.kennedy@cisa.dhs.gov 
  • Crystal Lesesne – Contracts, DHS CISA 
  • Samip Shrestha, Contracts, DHS – samip.shrestha@hq.dhs.gov. 
  • Dr. Eva Shaw-Taylor, Contracting Officer, DHS CISA – eva.shaw-taylor@cisa.dhs.gov  
  • Charles Leas, Deputy Branch & OBP Operations Chief, CISA 
  • Jason Stewart, Program Manager at Office for Bombing Prevention, CISA 

Feel like you are missing out on some of the key action at DHS? It can be hard to keep up. Make sure you are in the know by checking out the DHS Competitive Intelligence Segment page, chock full of insights and intelligence related to the agency.   

Included below is a list of the large and small companies we have noted as drawing the most views by Government and industry leaders on the OrangeSlices AI consultant directory in the second half of FY 2023 and that bring direct past performance and/or related relationships in support of DHS CISA.   

** An Elev8 GovCon Honoree, noted for a corporate culture that demonstrates excellence, making the company a beacon for talent, for partners, and for clients.       

We cannot and will not speculate here as to the reasons for the increased interest, but whether it is a company evaluating them as a potential partner; a federal acquisition leader doing their due diligence; or a consultant weighing their next job move, this group of companies has been receiving increased interest.    



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