Notice ID: 693JJ3-24-RFI-0003
The purpose of this SOW is to procure the services of a contractor with experience in scenic byways, planning, marketing and design, mapping and Geographic Information System (GIS), and training development to develop a revitalized technical assistance program for the NSBP within an estimated 36-month period of performance for a firm-fixed-price contract. The revitalized technical assistance program will benefit State and Tribal Byways Program coordinators who play a vital role in implementing the NSBP at the local level. It will also provide opportunities for non-profits and smaller organizations with niche experience in byways to provide their expertise, build capacity and cooperative partnerships, invest in future byway leaders, and produce an updated, high-quality set of work products that will support byways large and small across the country. Byway coordinators must maintain relationships with local byway organizations; facilitate the development of Corridor Management Plans for State or Tribal programs; manage the strategic planning for national byway designations; coordinate grant applications; and administer grant funds. Many byway coordinators are new to the role and often byway coordinator is just one of many jobs they do. These services will help them achieve success while providing direction and a structure of support from other byway experts in the field.
The Contractor must coordinate with the Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) for overall technical direction. The COR must convene a Technical Review Panel (TRP) that will function to provide input on the technical direction of the Technical Assistance materials. Participants in the TRP will serve as subject matter experts to provide technical advice and review draft documents such as the toolkit, market research results, and mapping for the final deliverables. The COR leads the TRP. The TRP may include representation from FHWA; State, Tribal, and Federal Land Management Agency byway coordinators who participate in the Coordinators Calls; and byway organizations…
The work under this Contract must be performed under the tasks listed below and described in detail thereafter:
Task 1: Project Management;
Task 2: A New Peer Exchange Program;
Task 3: A Refreshed State Coordinators Toolkit;
Task 4: Mapping and GIS Supportive Services;
Optional Task 5: “America’s Byways®” and NSBP Logo and Branding; and
Optional Task 6: Customized Technical Assistance, Implementation of Updated Website, Launch of Revitalized Brand Identity, and/or Customized Mapping.
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