DOE releases Presolicitation notice 2 for $34M Environmental Management Technical, Management, and Administrative Services

Notice ID:  89303324REM000126

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Environmental Management (EM) is currently in the acquisition planning stage for a new Technical, Management, and Administrative (TMA) services contract on behalf of DOE’s Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) in eastern Tennessee.

OREM’s mission is to complete the safe cleanup of the environmental legacy brought about from nuclear weapons development and government-sponsored nuclear energy research at the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR), which comprises the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), the Y‑12 National Security Complex, and the East Tennessee Technology Park (formerly the K‑25 Gaseous Diffusion Plant).

Specific details-such as the anticipated type of contract, amount of funding and small business participation opportunities-are yet to be determined. The anticipated period of performance is five years, which may include one or more options periods. The current contract for these services (Task Order # 89303320FEM400148 under GSA FSS Contract GD-00F-216CA was awarded on April 9, 2020, and is expected to expire in April 2025. Its total value is approximately $34 million. The incumbent contractor is Link Technologies, Inc. of Germantown, Maryland.

OREM has developed a portfolio of projects designed to complete remediation at ETTP, Y-12, and ORNL. All three portfolios are integrated into a single plan for the ORR that balances risks across regulatory, stakeholder, and mission priorities with the OREM program. Goals established in the OREM Program Plan FY 2022 to 2032 to address the environmental cleanup scope are:

  • Complete ETTP cleanup and transition site to long-term stewardship;
  • Reduce radiological risks at ORN;
  • Reduce environmental risks at Y-12; and
  • Ensure adequate onsite waste disposal capacity to support remaining cleanup.

This is a Technical Support Services contract, providing various technical and oversight assistance support services to OREM. Specific technical, management, and administrative services that the Contractor will be required to provide are described in the following sections. Activities under this contract may include technical analyses, document preparation and review, assistance in oversight activities, corrective action management, information management, technical editing, training, logistical coordination, performance analyses, records maintenance, and general support to OREM.

In an effort to help facilitate the establishment of contractor teaming arrangements (see the January 8, 2024, Request for Information for additional details), DOE intends to publish a public Interested Vendors List on the procurement website for the subject solicitation, located at

Learn more here.


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