DOD Sources Sought: Marine Corps Training and Education Command (TECOM) Joint National Training Capability Support Services

Notice ID:  M00264-24-SSA-0009

The TECOM G-3 JIM Branch, Quantico, VA has a requirement for professional, administrative and management support services to assist them in their mission as the Marine Corps lead for the Marine Corps JNTC Program that falls under the greater Department of Defense (DoD) Training Transformation (T2) Program by providing on-site Functional, Research, and Programmatic Support Services.

This PWS includes four core objectives to support the CG TECOM in the development and implementation of JNTC initiatives and exercises/events. The first objective is Exercise Design; the second objective is Special Operations Force (SOF) and Conventional Force (CF) Integration; the third objective is a naval integration capability, complementing the SOF/CF integration capability at MAGTFTC; and the fourth objective is Joint Training Asset Management. General Requirements include:

  • Contractors supporting the four objective task requirements shall provide TECOM G-3 JIM Branch with comprehensive capabilities to support mission accomplishment. In addition to the subtasks below, services for each task include responding to official related tasks; writing of point papers, research papers, and decision papers; and written minutes and after-action reports (AAR) from trips, meetings, conferences, workshops, seminars, exercises, and demonstrations. Official tasks normally arrive via the Department of the Navy Tasking, Records and Consolidated Knowledge Enterprise Repository (DON TRACKER), Task Management Tool (TMT), Marine Corps Action Tracking System (MCATS), official message traffic, or other method (e.g., electronic mail).
  • Collectively, Exercise Designer task will be performed on-site and will support TECOM/USMC Programs relating to JNTC enhancements to collective and unit training exercises and pre-deployment training. This on-site support will act as primary USMC JNTC Exercise Designers, and coordinate service efforts for JNTC interoperability and exercise planning /design through JNTC-event execution phases. Events are designed using defined USMC training objectives and the appropriate level of “joint context” as determined through the JNTC Accreditation/Certification process.  A key aspect of these support duties is to observe the execution of JNTC events and conduct post-JNTC Event assessment and analysis, capturing and formatting all empirical data, and lessons learned for application in future JNTC exercises/events and joint operations.  Capability to assimilate changing formats using Excel, Microsoft Word, or other Microsoft products in order to document assessment and analytical tasks provided to the Joint Staff and the OSD in formats they prescribe as required.  The following are mandatory requirements that must be met in order to successfully accomplish the Exercise Designer task:
  • Participate in JNTC accredited training program planning efforts (conferences/meetings) and design of USMC training exercises, to include pre-deployment training, with respect to acquiring and integrating JNTC support (joint enablers).
  • Work closely with activities surrounding the accreditation, certification and mitigation issues at USMC JNTC accredited programs, to include the development of supporting documentation and participating in the development and mitigation of identified joint training shortfalls/gaps.
  • Observe/participate with the inclusion of JNTC funded joint training enablers/capabilities during scheduled exercises/events during execution at Marine Corps JNTC accredited programs…

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