DOD DHRA Sources Sought: DTMO Program Management Support Services

Notice ID: 2024-DTMOPM-SS

DTMO is the primary DoD interface with the Federal and private sector travel industry. Since its inception in 2006, DTMO has utilized contractor expertise in the form of non- personal services to support the performance of its programs and mission requirements. DTMO’s mission is to serve as the single focal point for commercial travel within the Department of Defense; establish strategic direction, set policy, and centrally manage commercial travel programs. DTMO provides central oversight for commercial travel management, travel policy and implementation, travel card program management, customer support and training, and functional oversight of DoD travel systems.

As the functional business owner of the DoD-designated enterprise travel systems, DTMO represents the interests of DoD stakeholders in the requirements management and sustainment of those systems. The Defense Manpower Data Center, another DHRA component, provides technical and program management for the travel systems as well as managing the corresponding contracts.

The Contractor shall provide all necessary personnel, management, materials, and equipment to successfully support DTMO’s travel programs and strategic initiatives.

4.1         DoD Travel System Functional, Operational and Sustainability Support

4.1.1 Participate in DoD enterprise TDY travel systems Functional Requirements Analysis & Management activities. As the functional business owner of those systems, DTMO oversees and facilitates the change management process for functional requirements in coordination with the Program Management Offices at DMDC. DTMO also coordinates with DMDC on the activities related to operations and sustainment of those systems, to include recurring maintenance release schedules and content. DTMO determines any necessary system enhancements in collaboration with the DoD Components; reviews and provides concurrence on system level requirements and design; coordinates consensus on new requirements through the DoD Components; obtains approval and prioritization from the Defense Travel Advisory Panel (DTAP); collaborates with DMDC on implementation schedules, and conducts testing or validations prior to implementation. The contractor shall support the following activities:  Review, validate, and track resolution of DTS help desk tickets submitted to the DTMO Travel Assistance Center (TAC) through the Ticket Management System (TMS); facilitating the established ticket escalation process as necessary, i.e., validation and prioritization of reported system issues.  Coordinate with DMDC to process Report Requests or other requests for information for DTMO use as required…

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