DOC NTIA Sources Sought: Federal Spectrum Data Systems Modernization (FSDS)

Notice ID NTIA0000-23-00500-2

Related Notice NTIA0000-23-00500-1

The current systems’ ability to execute NTIA’s spectrum management (SM) functions require a high degree of manual intervention and limit NTIA’s ability to accommodate the demands of advanced technologies. These and future SM demands can be met by upgrading NTIA SM system capabilities to the latest technical platforms, improving security and scalability. NTIA’s SM functionality must also improve accessibility to spectrum data across capabilities by developing advanced analytical tools, engineering models, and automating workflows. By unifying the capabilities into a Federal Spectrum Data System (FSDS), NTIA will be able to efficiently and effectively manage federal spectrum demands while servicing the needs of the nation in its other mission areas. The NTIA FSDS project will provide a modernized system of systems capability composed of user-capability areas that must be designed to reduce human in the loop processing and streamline and automate decision making, to the greatest extent possible and practical. The solution must be secure and promote efficiency and effectiveness of spectrum use through updated optimization and assessment applications. The capabilities will integrate data across multiple sources by accessing shared services exposed through a spectrum repository that integrates spectrum data presently siloed across different tools. NTIA’s legacy spectrum IT systems will remain operational and will be supported outside the scope of the FSDS effort until the capabilities supported by the legacy systems are re-architected, re-factored, replaced or retired by the FSDS modernized solutions. The modernization strategy for each legacy system has not yet been specified. A table of NTIA’s current spectrum IT systems is included in GAO-22- 105221, Spectrum Management: Information Technologies for Managing Federal Use. Enclosure I ( NTIA began moving the legacy spectrum IT systems to the Microsoft Azure Cloud in fiscal year (FY) 2023 and plans to complete the move of unclassified systems in FY 24.

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