DOC Census Sources Sought: Enterprise Reporting Support Services (ERSS)

Added December 8, 2023

Notice ID: 1333LB-24-JB-0000-0001SSN

The Applications Development and Services Division (ADSD) of the USCB has primary responsibility for establishing and maintaining the USCB’s capability to conduct field survey and data collection operations for multiple programs, including the decennial census, economic surveys, American Community Survey (ACS), and current surveys programs.  ADSD specializes in the design, development, implementation, and support of a data lake in the cloud used to collect, store, regulate, process, report on, and grant access to Census data. The Unified Tracking System Development Branch (UTSDB) is responsible for the business analysis, IT systems design, development, and support for the Enterprise Data Lake (EDL) and other Enterprise Reporting Systems related to Census data.

The EDL will ingest data from all over the Census, it will allow users to request data and cloud resources, this will enable the users to set up their own environments to do research, processing, or data product creation. The EDL will fully utilize cloud native services to bring the best technology to bear on the Census’s computing needs.

Additional Enterprise Reporting Systems include, for example, a data warehouse that provides a view of survey data over time, across surveys, and from different data capture and cost sources at one time. In such systems, all the data is in one place to view, analyze, and make more efficient and effective decisions.  Another data warehouse tracks all funding requests, approval statuses, and what has been paid. Each uses various types of visualization tools and different types of databases behind the scenes.

The USCB is seeking information on the capabilities of vendors in providing such professional support services, including IT system analysis, requirements analysis, architecture design, enabling of cloud and data services, setting up cloud infrastructure, systems/software design, development, unit testing, integration support, architecture, data engineering, analytics/reporting services, innovation, and maintenance for the EDL and Enterprise Reporting systems.

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