Notice ID: FEMA_BPA_MAY2025
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Continuous Improvement Division (CID), has a requirement for: 1) program management support; 2) data collection and analysis; 3) product development; 4) training and technical assistance 5) systems support; 6) disaster readiness and operations; 7) disaster after-action reviews; and 8) program consulting and support.
Task 1: Program Management Support The contractor shall provide necessary program management services and support to manage the tasks awarded under the steady-state call order, and to scope the requirements of future task orders for requirements as outlined in the Tasks below. Contractor responsibilities include providing effective and efficient project and program management …
Task 2: Data Collection This task supports the collection of data through multiple methods for the creation of assessments, analyses, reports, and other products, as necessary …
Task 3: Analysis This task concerns the analysis of data in Task 2: Data Collection. This task requires the use of quantitative and qualitative analytical capabilities in order to conduct analyses …
Task 4: Product Development This task supports all tasks to develop and deliver products based on the scope of the program and related to the other tasks …
Task 5: Training and Technical Assistance (TA) These tasks concern the development and delivery of materials needed to assist internal and external stakeholders with growing in their awareness of, and ability to conduct continuous improvement activities …
Task 6: Systems: This task support’s CIP’s system-based requirements for carrying out the mission requirements, including the ongoing design, development, maintenance, and operations of the Continuous Improvement Information System …
Task 7: Disaster Readiness and Operations: This task includes maintain a ready team of staff to prepare for threats and hazards, support emerging disaster requirements in the field or coordination centers, and the resulting products …
Task 8: Disaster After-Action Reviews The Contractor shall provide necessary services to conduct after-action reviews following disasters and assessments related to an incident or…
Task 9: Program Consulting and Support The Contractor shall provide necessary services to equip and enhance the ability of disaster field offices, and regional and HQ programs offices to conduct more effective and efficient readiness and operations. This may include program management and change management support or process improvement for program delivery to implement improvement actions …
Data Storage of Contract Deliverables. All deliverables for every task, including any data and/or software deliverables, will be delivered in an agreed upon, usable format and will be delivered with rights in data and computer software under FAR 52.227-17, Rights in Data – Special Works. As scheduled below, at the end of the base period, at the end of each option, and upon request, Contractor will deliver the following data and/or software deliverables, if any, for each of the tasks herein:
- Complete and operable executable code, source code, custom software code, configuration scripts, data models, and similar data and documents for each requirement under this contract.
- All files, folders, directories, images, and content necessary to maintain operation of each requirement under this contract.
- Software documentation, containing any programmer notes and describing the software, its operation, its organization, and any significant characteristics of its design so that a computer programmer skilled in the art of programming in the language may operate, maintain, update, modify, and perform all operations necessary to perpetuate the utility of the computer software …
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