Dept. Education Sources Sought: Student Engagement and Attendance Center (SEAC) Technical Assistance Contract

Notice ID: 91990024Q0049

The U.S. Department of Education (ED) is seeking qualified businesses to establish a new Student Engagement and Attendance Center and expand the Department’s previous technical assistance efforts to build capacity at the State and local levels to significantly decrease chronic absenteeism in the nation’s public schools and increase student and family engagement, particularly in schools serving large numbers of low-income students and in districts experiencing high rates of chronic absenteeism.

Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this contract is to establish a new Student Engagement and Attendance Center and build upon the Department’s previous technical assistance to increase the capacity of States, local educational agencies, schools, and local communities to employ evidence-based strategies to combat chronic absenteeism and promote regular school attendance and student engagement using systemic and comprehensive approaches.

Technical assistance services will be designed in response to specific identified needs and priorities and should demonstrate efforts to build the capacity of state and local systems to identify, adopt, and address issues related to student attendance and engagement, including and especially schools implementing comprehensive support and improvement or targeted or additional targeted support and improvement activities under section 1111(d) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended (ESEA), and states and districts using chronic absence as a measure within their State accountability systems consistent with Title I, Part A of the ESEA (ESEA section 1111(c)-(d)). In order to leverage effective technical assistance activities to support capacity building at the State and local levels, the technical assistance described in this contract will include activities implemented across multiple service tiers (universal, targeted, and intensive) and with varied audiences, such as States, districts, other technical assistance providers, and community partners.

Technical assistance activities will be designed using modalities that best meet the needs and intended outcomes of this contract and will include universal webinars, communities of practice or other forms of learning communities for state and local practitioners, targeted and intensive technical assistance to States and districts, and the development and dissemination of tools and resources. Additionally, contract activities will include stakeholder engagement meetings, virtually or in-person with varied audiences such as state and local educational administrators, educators, community members, students, and subject matter experts to ensure that technical assistance activities described in this contract are informed by and designed with the practitioners and stakeholders who will benefit from them.

Read more here.


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