Updated December 19, 2023
One time is just a data point and two times is not quite a trend. However, for the second time in the past week, DHS has announced that they are taking a $50+M contract previously awarded on the CIO-SP3 SB GWAC and competing it on GSA MAS. We will not speculate about the reasons for the move, but a $100+M hit to any acquisition shop portfolio is worth noting.
According to DHS, the timeline for this solicitation has been pushed up. The Government now intends to issue the RFP for this 5-year DHS US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Student Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) system support requirement in early February on GSA MAS / NAICS 541512 – Unrestricted with an Evaluation Factor for Small Business included in the solicitation. More details about this requirement are included below.
This news out of DHS comes on the heels of an announcement last week that a separate $50+M DHS TSA Enterprise ISSO Program Services RFP is being pushed to MAS.
Added November 3, 2023
Current CIO-SP3 SB Primes and projected CIO-SP4 Prime awardees are forming strategies and identifying partners who can help them win the next iteration of this 5-year DHS US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Student Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) system support contract.
The incumbent contract, a four-year task order, was last awarded in 2020 to VariQ, who was acquired by Capgemini in 2020. That contract was competed in the “Other than Small Business” category on CIO-SP3 SB. (Yes, we know it does not make sense to have that category on a small business contract, but they did and don’t get us started…)
The focus of the next iteration of this contract, which will also be 4+ years in duration, is to provide the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) with Design, Development, Test, Deployment, Operations and Maintenance (O&M), Engineering, and Security support for the SEVIS portfolio of applications. This support is expected to include processes, procedures, people, material, and information required to deliver, support, operate, and maintain the software aspects of the system. It also includes, as required, modifying the software system or component after delivery to correct faults; improving performance or other attributes; adapting to a changed environment or maintenance activities focused on anticipated problems; and performing preventive maintenance to support a continuously operating and reliable, stable, and secure application.
The current expectation is that this will once again be recompeted on the CIO-SP3 SB contract as unrestricted (OTSB), with an RFP release in March of 2024 and a projected value of greater than $50M. There have been some people asking what happens if the longstanding CIO-SP4 protest gets resolved and the GWAC is awarded. Only time will tell, but for now companies will need to be nimble. It should be noted that Capgemini was named as an apparent awardee (to include via a JV) on the CIO-SP4 contract (see the full list of preliminary awardees here)
OS AI Prime Members will find additional content at the bottom of this post.
Pro Tip 1 – If you are a firm with capabilities and socio-economic status that might support this or any related effort, comment below and let others know you are interested. Comments are some of the most viewed portions of any post.
Recent DHS Data/News
- DHS recruits familiar face from Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic to serve as S&T Branch Chief
- A first look at the $8.4B PACTS III Third Draft RFP – Bottom Line: This will be extremely competitive!
- DHS reviews post-award protest and agrees to consider protester bid on $450M CBP Enterprise Small Business BPA
- Contract Award: $20M DHS S&T Technology Centers Division (TCD) SETA SME Support Services
- DHS releases 3rd PACTS III Draft Proposal, announces upcoming Industry Day
- MetaPhase wins DHS CISA Governance Framework Support contract
- Contract Award: $21M DHS S&T CAPS Support Services
- Contract Award: $8M DHS S&T Strategy and Policy Office Professional Services and Mission support
- Protests Dismissed: DHS CBP Software Applications Support Services (SASS) BPA
- Forecast Opp Update: $37M DHS CISA Cybersecurity Division (CSD), Capacity Building (CB) Support RFP
- Contract Award: $59M DHS S&T Development and Engineering of Biometric and Identity Accuracy, Scalability and Equitability (DEBIASE) Project award
Pro Tip 2 – Feel like you are missing out on some of the key actions? It can be hard to keep up. Make sure you are in the know by checking out the US Department of Homeland Security Intel Segment page, chock full of insights and intelligence.
Looking for some good teaming partners that are supporting DHS today? Click Here
You can filter the list by several key indicators, to include socio-economic status, NAICS, Contract vehicle, etc.
You can also check out this list of the 50 CIO-SP3 and CIO-SP3 Prime vendors who have the most in obligated funds from DHS over the past few years, courtesy of HigherGov. HigherGov is OrangeSlices AI’s top pick when it comes to AI driven competitive intelligence and market research tools in the market today. Their free trial and demo option makes it easy to try for yourself. Click here for more details.
Included Below is more OS AI Competitive Intelligence and Notes (Key Points of Contacts, Incumbent contract details, etc.) Content for Premium Sponsors - click here for information on Premium Sponsorship.
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