Census RFP: Voters Registration Data

Notice ID: 1333LB24R00000001

Decennial census efforts to count the population rely primarily on methods to encourage people to self-respond, followed by in-person interviewing for nonresponding households. To increase efficiency and reduce costs, the 2020 Census leveraged administrative data to enhance respondent-provided information, validate respondent submissions, and to reduce in-person field follow up visits. The 2030 Census will continue these 2020 Census efficiencies while also exploring additional administrative data sources and uses to further streamline census data collection and minimize respondent burden. To further these efficiencies, the Demographic Research team will evaluate voter registration and limited voter behavior data for its potential to improve activities related to survey and census data collection procedures. In addition, the team will assess the capability of these data products to accurately predict, and potentially correct for, nonresponse in our demographic surveys and censuses.

SCOPE C.2.1 The contractor shall provide the Census Bureau with complete and accurate voter registration data files (current and historical years) as outlined in the below requirement.

C.2.2 The contractor shall provide a data dictionary along with the delivery of the voter registration data files.

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