Azure and Data Science partners wanted as USDA NASS posts RFI for Reimagined Enterprise Application for Data Integration

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA NASS) has initiated steps to significantly modernize its data collection and analysis systems and current and prospective industry partners to the agency are actively hunting for expertise that can bolster their teams. Recognizing the need for an advanced approach in handling vast agricultural data, NASS recently released a Request for Information (RFI) as a precursor to an upcoming Request for Proposal (RFP). This move marks a pivotal step in the department’s efforts to enhance its data handling capabilities. More details are below, but if your company has expertise that can help a team win and deliver, make sure to let it be known.  

Revamping Data Collection: An RFI Overview 

The primary objective of the RFI is to gather insights from the industry to aid USDA NASS in designing a future solicitation aimed at developing an enterprise platform. This platform will revolutionize how agricultural data is collected, encompassing activities like maintaining agricultural operation lists, conducting surveys, and employing various data collection methods like telephone, in-person interviews, and online submissions. The envisioned platform will be integrated with existing NASS systems, ensuring real-time data tracking, high data integrity, and security, and will be hosted in the Microsoft Azure Cloud environment. It’s designed for heavy usage, capable of handling numerous users and thousands of transactions daily. 

Expertise Sought  

NASS emphasizes the need for advanced skills in several key areas, including data collection, enterprise modernization, database management, and Azure Cloud environment solutions. Special focus is on Azure AI and ML model development, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), user interface standardization, Zero Trust Security architecture, and No Code and Low Code solutions. These competencies are crucial for the success of the modernization project, and NASS seeks to tap into the best available expertise in the industry. 

Background and Necessity for Change 

NASS’s mission has always been to provide timely and accurate agricultural statistics. However, the current infrastructure, comprising over 200 databases and numerous applications, many of which are outdated, has led to operational inefficiencies and duplication of processes. The READI (Reimagined Enterprise Application for Data Integration) Team, formed in late 2022, is tasked with transitioning from these legacy systems to a more streamlined, agile, and efficient solution. The objectives include implementing a centralized data collection platform, enhancing cloud computing, and improving operational efficiency through automated workflows and integrated functionalities. 

Scope of Work and Project Goals 

The scope of the READI project, and consequently the RFI, focuses primarily on the data collection aspect of NASS’s operations. This includes a wide range of activities, from managing large-scale surveys to ensuring data security and accessibility. The project aims to replace the existing complex ecosystem with a more efficient, cloud-based platform, enhancing the overall agility, security, and reliability of the data collection process. 

Inclusion of Small Businesses and Agile Methodology 

Significantly, any upcoming RFP aims to assess the capabilities of small businesses in executing this extensive project. Queries include whether these companies have experience using Agile methodology in application development and their proficiency in developing, modifying, or using Azure Cloud solutions.  

The release of this RFP is a significant step forward for USDA NASS, indicating a transformative approach to agricultural data management that aligns with contemporary technological advancements and operational best practices. 

Pro Tip 1If you are a firm with capabilities and socio-economic status that might support this or any related effort, comment below and let others know you are interested. You can’t bid if you don’t have the right team, so do let others know about your expertise.  

Recent USDA Data/News 

Pro Tip 2 Feel like you are missing out on some of the key actions? It can be hard to keep up. Make sure you are in the know by checking out the US Department of Agriculture Intel Segment page, chock full of insights and intelligence.     


Looking for some good teaming partners that are supporting USDA today? Click Here 

You can filter the list by several key indicators, to include socio-economic status, NAICS, Contract vehicle, etc.   

Meet the USDA focused firms drawing the most attention on OrangeSlices AI Platform

** An Elev8 GovCon Honoree, noted for a corporate culture that demonstrates its own excellence, making the company a beacon for talent, for partners, and for clients.     

We cannot and will not speculate here as to the reasons for the increased interest, but whether it is a company evaluating them as a potential partner; a federal acquisition leader doing their due diligence; or a consultant weighing their next job move, this group of companies has been receiving increased interest.      

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