Army Sources Sought: Digital Integrated Laboratory (Re-Compete)

Notice ID: W900KK24R3000

The DIL provides a secure and centralized location for all Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation (PEO STRI) programs to integrate with Mission Command Information Systems (MCIS). It also provides a critical risk reduction capability in preparation for formal Army Interoperability Certification (AIC) testing by supporting the Project Managers’ (PMs’) software development and integration initiatives across PEO STRI. The Central Technical Support Facility (CTSF) at Fort Cavazos, Texas, is the Army’s execution agent for AIC testing and certification. The CTSF has formally recognized the PEO STRI DIL as an approved auxiliary test site for the CTSF to conduct distributed AIC testing. The Department of the Army’s Federated Net-Centric Sites (FaNS) system is a network of accredited testing facilities, i.e., CTSF as Execution Agent, each with its own area of expertise working toward interoperability between a complete Army and joint military software and hardware of systems. The CTSF is the Test Agent (TA) of the FaNS Warfighter Mission Area (WMA) because of its success in developing and implementing software interoperability testing procedures. This effort requires the PEO STRI DIL to provide the skills and experience required to implement and execute processes, policies, and procedures needed to support CTSF AIC functions in the DIL at PEO STRI.

Tasks and services include program and operational management of the PEO STRI DIL; Simulation to Mission Command Interoperability (SIMCI) project support; first line MCIS operation, administration and technical support expertise; management of distribution and control of MCIS system hardware and software; support of pre-AIC and formal AIC testing; requirements analysis; systems engineering; integration, test and experimentation; software and hardware evaluation; configuration management; property accountability; data collection; technical demonstrations; off-site visits and support; and technical analysis.

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