Army RFI: iPERMS Services


iPERMS is a secure net-centric information system that directly supports the Army’s military personnel records management mission in war, mobilization, and peace, as required by Title 10, U.S. Code (Armed Forces) and Title 44, U.S. Code (Records Management by Federal Agencies). The system is a Department of Defense (DoD) 5015.02 certified Records Management Application (RMA) and will be required to maintain this mandated certification at all times. iPERMS is the system of record and storage for the Army Military Human Resource Record (AMHRR) during the Soldier’s service and is the Records Management Application (RMA) for the Integrated Pay and Personnel System – Army (IPPS-A). The system supports over 301 million AMHRR documents and over 8.9M Soldier records for the Active Army, Army Reserve, Army National Guard, retired, discharged, and deceased personnel. iPERMS is used by Army leaders, component and Federal agency human resource managers, component selection boards, various Federal agencies, and Soldiers worldwide. It is used as the authoritative source for Army personnel documents. The OMPF is currently retained within the iPERMS system for a period of 62 years following the separation of a Soldier and is then accessioned to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for permanent storage. iPERMS is the system of record and storage for Soldier pay substantiating documents. In addition, iPERMS is used for Army personnel record and financial record audit readiness.

The Contractor shall provide sustainment and development support services, which includes software (SW) and hardware (HW) technology upgrades and enhancements. Together with iPERMS PMO staff, the Contractor shall conceptualize, plan, research and develop, implement, and maintain cost-effective, state-of-the-art IT solutions to support the business processes of iPERMS and iPERMS-S (CRMA), its field operating elements, and its client communities. The Contractor shall provide technical and management excellence in support of existing systems and business processes, implementation of current initiatives, and development and implementation of future initiatives. The Contractor shall provide IT services to maintain, sustain, and enhance iPERMS and iPERMS-S (CRMA) IT systems, programs, applications, and databases vital to the management of the Army’s Active, Reserve, and National Guard personnel, in peacetime and at war. The Contractor shall build and sustain a positive relationship with iPERMS PMO and HRC personnel to effect a seamless transition to this PWS. To accomplish the iPERMS objectives, the Contractor, iPERMS PMO, and HRC shall work together, sharing information and ideas to develop solutions for improving the management and operation of the iPERMS IT resources and capabilities.

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