Army Presolicitation/Industry Day: FMS-ACES DRAFT Announcement

Notice ID W519TC-23-R-ACES

Program Executive Office Enterprise Information Systems (PEO EIS) seeks to partner with vendors using an Other Transaction Authority (OTA) for an Agreement to design, build, test, deploy, and demonstrate a Prototype solution to fulfill the Army requirements for the Foreign Military Sales – Army Case Execution System (FMS-ACES).  Through this OT, the Army is seeking Technical Integration Providers (TIPs) to develop FMS-ACES solutions to meet the requirements in the Statement of Objective (SOO).

An Industry Day is also planned for 07 September 2023. The FMS-ACES Industry Day is promoted on the PEO EIS website at

The FMS-ACES Industry Day registration site is which includes a YouTube livestream link.

Additionally, “SAVE THE DATE” promo is live on the PM DIBS social media (LinkedIn and Facebook).

The purpose of this DRAFT Prototype Announcement (with Attachments 0001-0007) is to receive Industry comment and feedback on the Government’s approach for the FMS ACES Prototype Project.

The intent of the FMS-ACES program is to leverage commercial technology wherever possible, in the form of no-code/low code commercial Software as a Service (SaaS) Cloud Service Providers (CSP), to minimize lifecycle support requirements. While the Army and PEO EIS will be required to monitor and control in areas such as cybersecurity and legal compliance, this approach shifts a large portion of the burden to maintain and upgrade the technology stack to the CSP.  The Operational Community (OC) benefits from having a solution that is flexible and adaptable, able to adjust to emerging or changing ASAE requirements which can be prioritized and planned as part of “software never done” Continuous Integration/Continuous Development (CI/CD) efforts. In the pursuit of the most flexible and adaptable system possible that supports the ASAE’s outcomes, the program will consider and pursue opportunities to leverage existing Army infrastructure and/or capabilities. These can include ICAM, the cARMY Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)//Platform as a Service (PaaS) environment, and Development Security and Operations (DevSecOps) tools such as the Code Resource and Transformation Environment (CReATE) ensuring that the FMS-ACES OC is provided with a holistic best-of-breed solution that is flexible, adaptable to changing needs, and resilient to the effects of time…

More here.


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