Air Force Sources Sought: Enterprise Data management IT Support Services

Notice ID FA282324R0001

The scope of this Information Technology Service Support PWS applies to the 96th Civil Engineering Group (96 CEG) Environmental Management System (EMS) and associated products (software, hardware, applications, tools) and services (Internal and external). It also includes management of databases/applications, and Geo-Integration Office technical support. ā€¢ The type of tasks included in this effort are: ā€¢ Data Development and Migration ā€¢ Standards Compliance ā€¢ Aggregation of Services ā€¢ Presentation of System Status ā€¢ Web Site Administration ā€¢ Lifecycle Management ā€¢ Data Storage Management ā€¢ Security Patch Management ā€¢ Application Maintenance ā€¢ Database Administration ā€¢ Issue Diagnostics and Remedy Development ā€¢ Geographic Information System Support The majority of the effort is maintaining the ā€˜back-endā€™ processes such that the EDMS system provides the computing and data management functions that allow the 96 Civil Engineer Group to perform its mission. It is impossible to forecast specific new security requirements and migration mandates that may occur over the life of this effort. Regardless, the major performance test will always be whether the EMS system is accessible and operational. Other tasks address web applications; database management of the Eglin Enterprise Spatial Database (EESD) and the Air Force Wildland Fire Database; and execution of the Risk Management Framework (RMF) duties in order to maintain the Authority To Operate (ATO) certification for the system.

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