Air Force RFI: A5/7 War-Exercises Analysis Research & Support (WARS)

Notice ID: FA701424R0017

Headquarters United States Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategy, Integration and Requirements (HQ USAF/A5/7) is responsible for analytic decision support to senior Air Force leaders; strategy development; operational concept development; operational challenge studies; operational/regional politico-military analysis; developing capability assessments; war and mobility planning support; requirements development; conducting net assessments; and Air Force Planning and Programming decision support of developing the Air Force of the future.

Objective: Advisory and Assistance Services (A&AS) are required to support analysis across all phases of Air Force design to support the strategic planning and programming process: strategy development, force design, concept formulation; threat assessment, exercises, modeling and simulation and continuous feedback loops.

The Contractor ‘shall provide strategic analytic and research services for Strategic Assessment Division or Strategic Assessment Team (SAT) projects in support of the A5/7 and USAF. The Contractor shall

  • Conduct independent net assessments that examine the trends and future prospects of military capabilities of the United States relative to other actors, including a crossdisciplinary consideration of the political and economic aspects and regional implications of anticipated shifts in the military and technological balance.
  • Analyze the long-term strategy and doctrine of competitors and implications for the Air Force.
  • Diagnose and study the enduring strengths and weaknesses of the United States, allies, and competitors—identifying and recommending key competitive areas for the Air Force to exploit, including key actions senior leaders may take to further favorable trends and accrue U.S. advantage over time.
  • Explore the character of future warfare and assess programmed forces against it.
  • Prepare to act as a “Red Team” for candidate strategies the Service is considering

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