DOD RFP: National Youth Challenge Program and STARBASE Program Training, Assistance, and Assessment Support Services

Notice ID: HQ003425R0047

The Contractor shall provide training and assistance support to State programs that will emphasize the critical importance of staff training, assessing the strategic goals of the military training model, and provide consistency across programs which include technical, administrative, and professional services, for the purpose of developing and implementing training objectives for NGYCP. The Contractor shall assist with training and assistance support to DoD STARBASE program locations in the form of operational and resource compliance to include curriculum, staff design, equipment inventory, technology refresh, cooperative agreement compliance, and data call compilation.  The Contractor shall facilitate the submission of new curriculum for approval, refresh of existing curriculum delivery methods, or renewal of curriculum lesson plans.

Objectives:  The Government seeks to ensure compliance with internal Departmental, and external Federal requirements, to secure technical analysis to comply with Titles 10 & 32 United States Code and to adhere to Financial Management Regulations. The objective of the PWS is to develop and implement a training, assistance and assessment program designed to increase the enrollment, retention, and graduation rates of NGYCP locations. The PWS will also document how OASD/M&RA(RI) will track long-term outcomes for NGYCP graduates.  Currently there are 46 existing NGYCP sites located in 28 States, the District of Columbia and one (1) territory.  This training, assistance and assessment program will be designed to work with the NGYCP Directors and their staff at the State level, and with the NGB Youth program office. It will recommend initiatives to be implemented to increase enrollment, retention, and graduation rates of the program.  The recommendations will also address increasing the long-term outcomes beyond the post-residential phase of the program.

Additionally, the PWS will support/assist OASD/M&RA(RI) in the training, evaluation and assessment of the DoD STARBASE Program by implementing a programmatic reporting mechanism; assisting with the professional development of program staff; reviewing program lesson plans; enhancing the program’s strategic communications and outreach plan; by recommending strategies and developing best practices for enhancing the performance of DoD STARBASE Program sites; by supporting existing and new afterschool/out-of-school outreach programs and new sites that are anticipated to be added each year.

This PWS will document the preparation and drafting of an annual report on the design, conduct, and effectiveness of the DoD STARBASE Program in enhancing young students understanding and appreciation of science, technology, engineering, art and design, and mathematics.

The Government is looking to achieve training assistance provided in the form of training workshops for program directors and instructors that will need to be conducted.  Existing curriculum should be reviewed for relevancy and new curriculum should be identified to synchronize with educational goals and emerging technology.  These workshops should be facilitated to share lessons learned and teaching techniques across program Directors.  Currently there are 90 existing DoD STARBASE Program sites located in 40 States, the territories of Guam and Puerto Rico and includes outreach initiatives to Native American communities.

The Period of Performance (POP) shall be for a 30-day Phase-In, one Base Period of 11-months with four 12-month option periods.

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