Notice ID: 89303018AOE000001_89303018FOE000006

The purpose of this notice is to communicate the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) intent to execute a 3-month extension of Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) Call Order No. 89303018AOE000001/89303018FOE000006. The BPA order provides the Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER) technical, analytical, and management support services as well as support for the following tasks:  Preparedness, Policy, and Risk Analysis (PPRA)/Response and Restoration (RR) Risk Management Tools and Technologies (RMT)

The applicable authority is FAR 8.405-6(a)(1)(i)(A) “an urgent and compelling need exists, and following the procedures would result in unacceptable delays.”

To ensure continuity of services, the Government intends to extend the term of BPA Call No. 89303018AOE000001/89303018FOE000006 via a three (3)-month extension from October 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.  Until a new competitive award is executed, the incumbent contractor ICF Incorporated, L.L.C. will perform all the essential requirements needed to support the DOE.

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