VA Sources Sought: Radiology Oncology Information Systems Virtual Infrastructure Environment (ROISVIE)

Notice ID: 36H79724Q0001

A resulting contract would provide for the supply of Radiation Oncology applications that can realize efficiencies through a standardized approach, which would include treatment planning systems (TPS), treatment delivery systems, treatment management information systems (TMS), CT simulator systems, Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) software tools, image registration software, etc.

Hardware/software is needed with a 5 to 6-year lifecycle.  Vendors should also include a thorough end of life assessment for existing hardware and software coupled with any associated replacements and/or upgrades, so that software versions meet a industry defined standard, and all hardware is not older than 30 months. Radiation therapy software is expected to be maintained by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).

The solution should have risk and mitigation planning along with a process to maintain live production while associated hardware or software updates are being completed. This should encompass extra servers, memory, hard drive space, licenses, etc. by 25% to accommodate planned upgrades.

The solution should also be able to migrate existing systems and convert data from different media sources (e.g. DVD, hard drive, etc.) to spinning disc…

The Government is also interested in associated service agreements as it relates to ROISVIE. This may include comprehensive professional services including onsite project management (e.g. full-time virtual vendor), workflow analysis, efficiency reengineering, software maintenance, and scheduled and unscheduled services (includes response times and coverage).

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