VA re-releases RFI for DaVINCI Data Services on GSA eBuy

This requirement was posted to GSA eBuy

Office of Information & Technology

VA Informatics and Computing Infrastructure

DaVINCI Data Services

Date: January 7, 2025



The mission of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Office of Information & Technology (OIT), and the Office of Research and Development, VA Informatics and Computing Infrastructure (VINCI) as a Resource Center is to provide researchers a nationwide view of high-value VA patient data. VINCI is a research and development partnership and operational platform for health services research, epidemiology, decision support, and business intelligence.

VINCI’s mission is to provide high-quality data, openly extensible information technology, and supporting services to generate and integrate new knowledge, methods, and technologies for research and medical-care communities to assess and improve Veterans’ healthcare and to provide benefits and services to Veterans. In meeting these goals, OIT strives to provide high-quality, effective, and efficient Information Technology (IT) services to those responsible for providing care to Veterans at the point of care, as well as throughout all points of the Veterans’ healthcare in an effective, timely, and compassionate manner. The VA depends on Information Management/Information Technology (IM/IT) systems to meet mission goals.

VINCI has partnered with the Department of Defense (DoD), Air Force Health Services Data Warehouse (HSDW), in a project known as the DoD and VA Infrastructure for Clinical Intelligence (DaVINCI). The goal of DaVINCI is to increase DoD-VA data integration for interagency collaboration and resource sharing in support of the Joint Strategic Plan and each agency’s healthcare and benefits missions.

DaVINCI is a robust program that delivers a powerful capability to analyze combined DoD and VA healthcare data, addressing the problems of inefficient, piecemeal approaches to sharing and analyzing data. DaVINCI deploys and evaluates solutions for governance, data integration, data security, analysis, and supercomputing to provide a solid foundation for integrated clinical and business intelligence platforms.

By allowing a more complete read-only view into a beneficiary’s records, DaVINCI can facilitate improved coordination of polytrauma patients and accelerated disability evaluations. By enabling more rapid analysis of many beneficiaries’ longitudinal records, this program can facilitate more accurate and efficient screening for syndromes such as traumatic brain injury and planning for joint activities such as inter-agency resource balancing of specialty care.

As DaVINCI has matured and completed the Joint Incentive Fund project, this requirement is intended to continue to build and develop the DaVINCI resource. DaVINCI is a dynamic and complete longitudinal database and a necessary resource for both DoD and Veterans Health Administration (VHA) research communities.


The Contractor shall provide DaVINCI support efforts that continue to expand and sustain the currently deployed DaVINCI Observable Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) common data model (CDM). The OMOP CDM is a secure cloud-computing infrastructure and modular analytical platform that supports benefits, services, quality, and safety investigations at the population level.

Additionally, the Contractor shall support the bi-directional transfer and use of both clinical and administrative health data sources for DoD and VA to continue expansion of the DaVINCI OMOP CDM, access to the Military Health System Data Repository (MDR), the HSDW, Cerner Power Insight Enterprise Data Warehouse (PI-EDW), and the VA Corporate Data Warehouse (CDW).

Specifically, the Contractor shall provide data services to include:

  • System and database administration
  • Database maintenance services
  • Source DoD/VA data transfer and documentation
  • OMOP CDM data analysis and mapping design recommendation documentation
  • Extract, transfer, load (ETL) functional testing (in addition to quality assurance testing of the ETL process)
  • Training in the use of DoD and VHA health data (in addition to support an optional task for transition of the data source when the Cerner Data Warehouse application is deployed at the direction of the government)

RESPONSES ARE DUE 14 JAN 2025 BY 12PM ET [Note: This can chnage, so reach out to a GSA Prime to ensure timing] Contact Steven Baum Department of Veterans Affairs Department of Veterans Affairs 732-278-7277

Posted December 16, 2024

The Contractor shall provide DaVINCI support efforts that continue to expand and sustain the currently deployed DaVINCI Observable Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) common data model (CDM), a secure cloud-computing infrastructure, and modular analytical platform that support benefits, services, quality, and safety investigations at the population level.  Additionally, the contractor shall support the bidirectional transfer and use both clinical and administrative health data sources for DoD and VA to continue expansion of the DaVINCI OMOP CDM, access to the Military Health System Data Repository (MDR), the HSDW, Cerner Power Insight Enterprise Data Warehouse (PI-EDW), and the VA Corporate Data Warehouse (CDW).

Specifically,  the Contractor shall provide data services to include, system and database administration; database maintenance services to support the DaVINCI project; provide source DoD/VA data transfer and documentation; provide DoD to OMOP CDM data analysis & mapping design recommendation documentation also provide extract transfer load (ETL) functional testing in addition to quality assurance testing of the ETL process; and provide training in the use of DoD and VHA health data in addition to support an optional task for transition of the data source when the Cerner Data warehouse application is deployed at the direction of the government.

The period of performance shall be 12 months with four 12-month option periods, with one optional task for transitional support, to be exercised at the government’s discretion.

Read more here.


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