USDA RFP: Forest Service National Geospatial Services

Notice ID 12970223R0007

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service (USFS) Geospatial Management Office (GMO) has an ongoing national requirement for contracted geospatial services to support the National Forest System, State and Private Forestry, and Research and Development program areas.  Geospatial services are an essential component for meeting the planning, management, and program of work needs of the USDA Forest Service. These services include remote sensing, photogrammetry, geospatial analysis, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), cartography, geodesy, and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). These services are needed across all national programming and mission areas.

The USFS manages approximately 193 million acres of lands across the United States and Puerto Rico.  These areas include national forests, grasslands, recreation areas, scenic areas, and volcanic monuments.  Geospatial activities are integral to all managed areas.

The primary types of projects supported by this contract vehicle will address geospatially explicit needs for resource management for forest vegetation, rangeland monitoring, recreation, wilderness, watershed, wildlife, fisheries, ecosystem management, fire and fuels management, forest health, recreation, minerals and geology, engineering, infrastructure, and climate change.  Information technology (IT) services as defined by the FS Chief Information Office (CIO) are not considered within scope of this contract.

All work under this contract is governed by the Geospatial Data Act of 2018…

The contractor shall provide geospatial data and services in the areas of GIS, remote sensing, lidar or cartography as determined by an individual task order. The task order shall include: reporting, management, publication, analysis and product generation, application development, and technical support. Geospatial data collected, maintained, disseminated, or preserved under this contract must allow for the resulting data, information, or products to be shared publicly to the maximum extent practicable. The ownership of the data shall remain strictly for the use of the USDA Forest Service.

The contractor shall manage the collection, preparation, conversion, processing, integration, and data lifecycle of both tabular and spatial data in vector and raster formats, including remote sensing data.  Data management includes the creation of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) metadata and the inclusion of data on records schedules that have been approved by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Data management under this contract must align with the Geospatial Data Act to the maximum extent practicable.  Data managed may be in local, centralized, or cloud-based environments.  The contractor shall manage the automation of data and process workflows.  The size of such projects may range from a local project to a national level.

The contractor shall provide technical support to agency points of contact on the following items: data management, data service publication, maintenance; assistance consulting on the administration, optimization, and management of enterprise data services, system scaling and planning.  This activity may require compiling and integrating geospatial data from multiple sources. Contractor will ensure data suitability and fit for enterprise applications and project-level work. Publishing data shall be accomplished through web-based services, optimizing and publishing to national map services, and cataloging map services…

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