Draft RFP: CENTCOM HQ IDIQ Professional Services (CHIPS)

Notice ID:  FA481424R0002

This is a DRAFT solicitation to acquire a full range of professional services classifications including management activities involving policy, doctrine, planning, intelligence, strategy, exercises, logistics, assessments, and operations for multiple HQ USCENTCOM directorates, Joint Staff, Office of Secretary of Defense (OSD), and Department of Defense (DoD) counterparts along with allies and partner nations within the HQ USCENTCOM Area of Responsibility (AoR).  The final RFP is anticipated to be released in May/June 2024.

Contractors shall provide an extensive array of professional personnel possessing the skills, knowledge, and training to satisfactorily perform the services required by this PWS at all times throughout the period of performance.

Program Management Services:  These positions relate to leading, facilitating, and ensuring strategic planning, implementation, coordination, integration, evaluating program activities, and administrative support.  Typical program management duties may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Develops detailed plans, tasks, milestone dates and schedules to ensure proper sequencing of events and tracking of processes and costs throughout the life cycle of the programs/projects;
  • Reviews programs/projects to determine how they can be accomplished with the least disruption to workers and mission operations and that directions and schedules are accomplished in a timely manner …

Management and Program Analysis Services:  These positions relate to helping organizations improve performance analysis of existing organizaonal issues and development of improvement plans.  Typical management and program analysis duties may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Analyzing and evaluating the effectiveness of line program operations in meeting established goals and objectives;
  • Developing life cycle cost analyses of projects or performing cost benefit or economic evaluations of current or projected programs;
  • Advising on the potential benefits/uses of automation to improve the efficiency of administrative support or program operations …

Assessment, Monitoring, and Evaluation Services (AME): These positions relate to the planning and assessment of Security Cooperation Operations, Activities, and Investments (OAIs) and the implementation of new requirements such as the identification of comprehensive institutional capacity building and capability opportunities to support OAI sustainability, as well as the development of logic frameworks, theories of change, and performance indicators to measure progress. Typical AME duties may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Apply OSD Policy-issued AM&E guidance, templates, and frameworks.
  • Provide support for completion of partnership assessments (PA) and Initiative Design Documents (IDD) in which the staff critically analyze both U.S. strategic guidance and the operating environment …

The period of performance will be one (1) base year plus four (4) option years…

Read more here.


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