The Contractor shall provide data services support which includes monitoring data acquisition statistics and addressing discrepancies; maintaining the data distribution software; maintaining the web-portals and their products; managing data requests; integrating Commercial of the Shelf (COTS) & Government of the Shelf (GOTS) data acquisition software; and performing maintenance on configuration files as the field system evolves. “Data services” primarily refers to the input and output of data and products.
The contractor shall provide data management support, including technical support, lifecycle management and system administration, to maintain and sustain the cross-domain data transfer subsystems. The contractor shall accomplish daily monitoring of the data flow processes used to transfer data to and through the cross-domain transfer systems to include status/error notification to functional data owner processes. The contractor shall support troubleshooting, configuration, documentation, and testing of the data flow processes used to transfer data to and through the cross-domain transfer systems. The contractor shall support the architecture and lifecycle management of the cross-domain transfer systems. The contractor shall provide data custodian and management services to ensure and enforce AFTAC and Air Force data transfer and data management policies and procedures are adhered to for all data flow through the cross-domain transfer subsystems.
The scope of work of this effort is to move from an on-premise cross domain solution to a cloud system and to sustain a software and hardware architecture of on-premise cross domain until it can be moved to a cloud environment, which will provide the platform for future system growth and enhancements.
Period of Performance: 1 Aug 2025 – 31 Jul 2030.
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