Notice ID: N0018924RZ190
Department/Ind. Agency: DEPT OF DEFENSE

Contract Opportunity Type: Sources Sought (Original)
Original Published Date: Sep 20, 2024 11:07 pm EDT
Original Response Date: Oct 04, 2024 12:00 am EDT


See The Sources Sought Notice Here

Performance Work Statement (PWS) for
Navy Analytic Studies Program

The Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (DCNO) for Integration of Capabilities and Resources (N8) exercises centralized supervision and coordination of Navy’s capability analysis and assessments, allocation and integration of the Navy’s resources in the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) System, and determination of technical requirements. Within N8, the Navy Programming Division (N80) directs the Programming Phase of the PPBE process. N80 is responsible for final development and balancing of the Navy portion of the DoN Program Objectives Memorandum (POM) and for defending it through the annual Defense department program review process, which leads to the final Department of Defense (DoD) budget presented annually to Congress. The staff develops and implements procedures to collect, evaluate, and devise funding strategies to meet the programmatic priorities of the DoD, Secretary of the Navy, CNO, Fleet and Fleet Combatant Commanders.

2. Background

In the current maritime environment, characterized by an accelerating rate of technological evolution, and the challenges to win in the Great Power Competition described in the National Defense Strategy (NDS), the Navy requires a strategy-aligned analytic environment and process to rapidly and cumulatively build relevant knowledge. This approach enhances our Navy’s ability to learn and adapt faster than our adversaries. The analytic environment will derive from priorities in the Navy’s strategic and concept documents, and enable continuous learning from fleet exercises, experiments and war games to inform the decisions necessary to develop our architecture, design, plans and program portfolio.

Today’s Navy remains vital to our strategic goals, national security, and economic prosperity. The emerging strategic environment is defined by a combination of recognizable trends and consequential uncertainties. These recognizable trends and consequential uncertainties point toward an increased demand for maritime presence, power and influence achieved through both credible combat capabilities and collaborative approaches to security challenges. As the evolving security environment tests our ability to meet this demand, it is critical that the Navy closely align its investments with national strategy. In this environment, it is more important than ever that we identify and deliver the right capabilities for our future force.

In the wake of recent budget guidance, we must pursue our priorities effectively and efficiently; innovate to maximize our forward presence, evolve our warfighting capability and remain ready for today’s challenges even as we prepare for the future.

3. Scope

This Performance Work Statement (PWS) covers the use of modeling, simulation and analysis tools and techniques to support Navy’s performance of its analytic portfolio, as described in paragraphs 1 and 2. The contractor shall provide warfare and warfare support analyses and assessments, campaign analyses, mission level analyses, data analytics, modeling and simulation (M&S), and management and documentation support. The analytic support shall encompass all aspects of joint campaign, mission and engagement level modeling as well as manpower and personnel, training and education, infrastructure, long-term planning, policy, medical logistics planning, and both afloat and ashore readiness. The analytic capabilities will include experimentation, demonstrations, and wargaming elements that enable exploration of operational options and identification of operator objectives and considerations.

The contractor shall be required to provide coordination across the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) staff, the Fleet, Systems Commands (SYSCOMs), Combatant Commanders (COCOMs), Marine Corps and other Service Staffs, Joint Staff, and Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) staff.

4. Tasks


4.1.1 Planning, Programming, Budgeting Execution (PPBE) Process Development
• Objective: The contractor shall provide overarching analyses and guidance to inform decision making across the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) process. The objective of the PPBE process is to allocate resources within the Department of Defense (DOD). The results will be utilized to assess program priorities within the selected investment strategy and to support Navy programming. Documentation of this effort by the contractor will provide traceability for these results.
• Description: The contractor shall evaluate and integrate results from warfighting and warfighting support analyses and other sources as appropriate to develop analytical inputs for use in all phases of the PPBE process and shall conduct additional analyses functions. The contractor shall develop clear and concise formats for presenting system and cost effectiveness, warfighting and warfighting support (including, but not limited to Manpower, Personnel, Training & Education (MPT&E), Readiness, Infrastructure, and Operations) capability and program affordability that will facilitate comparison of alternative investment strategies. The presentation format for this integration effort must illustrate the priority of programs (including research and development activities) within each strategy such that vertical and horizontal budget adjustments can be made with known impact on Naval/Joint force capability. Technology assessment will include defining and documenting methods for transition of technology options into future architectures for Naval, Joint and Allied forces as well as performing and documenting technology assessments and forecasts that could include modeling and simulation of technology and systems.
• Deliverables: The contractor shall deliver a considerable number of products such as Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) reports, technical progress reports, final reports, technical briefs and meeting minutes on the schedule agreed to with the Government as specified in each task order.

4.1.2 Navy’s Analytic Agenda
• Objective: The contractor shall support Navy’s analytic efforts to: determine and evaluate shortfalls and redundancies in planned operational or support capabilities; evaluate key issues including deficiencies in warfighting capability; analyze priorities for needed capabilities; assess affordability of high payoff systems and technologies; assess effectiveness and affordability of alternative force structures; develop new analytic techniques for informing resource allocation decisions; conduct all campaign and warfare mission level analyses; and develop investment strategies.
• Description: The contractor shall provide technical, scientific and engineering support to OSD, Joint, and Navy corporate analytic agenda in defense planning scenarios (DPS), DPS Summary and Macro Views, Enhanced Planning Process (EPP), Strategic Planning Guidance (SPG) and participate in Capability Sponsors’ Integrated Processing Teams (IPTs). The contractor shall conduct technical and engineering studies, research and analyze various naval warfare mission areas and programs, war game results, and other sources as appropriate, including other relevant projects in which the contractor has participated. The contractor shall integrate the results of various analyses to determine the impact of variations in warfare systems and architectures on threat, U.S. and combined forces and strategies.
Studies will vary in length from several months to one year.
• Deliverables: The contractor shall deliver a considerable number of products such as POA&M reports, technical progress reports, recommendations regarding priority of war-fighting gaps and programs, final reports, technical briefs and meeting minutes on the schedule agreed to with the Government as specified in each task order.

4.1.3 POM Improvement
• Objective: The contractor shall provide the development, testing, training and demonstration to support management decisions and investments that must show returns for investors to support POM development efforts. The contractor shall identify ways of improving the Navy’s ability to make more value-oriented recommendations on the allocation of resources to achieve given objectives.
• Description: The contractor shall analyze historical POM decision data and analyze improvements to portfolio management to inform data structures for future POM decisions. The contractor shall analyze the data framework to enable value-oriented decision-making for future POM development. The contractor shall tie Navy strategy and planning to resource requirements and measures for effective performance, including recommendations on the future POM to develop those plans and improve the process to maximize return on investments.
• Deliverables: The contractor shall deliver a considerable number of products such as POA&M reports, technical progress reports, final reports, technical briefs and meeting minutes on the schedule agreed to with the Government as specified in each task order.


4.2.1 Analytic Framework for Capability Based Assessments and OSD/Joint Studies
• Objective: The contractor shall develop an analytic framework for each warfare analysis to be conducted.
• Description: The contractor shall develop analytic framework to support capability based assessments and analyses of platform sponsor’s products, campaign analyses and assessments for OPNAV, the Fleet, OSD/Joint Staff, and for Navy senior leadership decision forums. The contractor shall develop an analytic framework and processes to ensure that essential elements of warfare analysis, including scenarios, operational concepts, tactics, capabilities of platforms and systems (for each of the four Services, coalition partners, and threat forces), key assumptions and input data are defined and traceable to Government approved/provided source material. The contractor shall ensure consistency of these elements with other ongoing analyses as directed, develop measures of performance (MOPs) and measures of effectiveness (MOEs) and recommend appropriate modeling/methodology to support analysis. Measures must be tailored to the scope of warfare (engagement, mission or campaign) and level of Command hierarchy. Models/methodology used must reflect study objectives, level of fidelity required and time constraints.
• Deliverables: The contractor shall promptly and thoroughly document the analytic framework for each analysis in a manner and format that permits study leads or decision makers to knowledgably approve it before analysis begins. The contractor shall deliver a considerable number of products such as POA&M reports, technical progress reports, final reports, technical briefs and meeting minutes on the schedule agreed to with the Government as specified in each task order.

4.2.2 Scenario Development
• Objective: The contractor shall develop scenarios and operational concepts based on Government inputs that are sufficiently detailed for use in naval and joint campaign analyses. When working at the mission level, the contractor shall script operational or tactical situations (OPSITS or TACSITS) for use in effectiveness analyses in specific warfare mission areas. The contractor shall support Navy in the research and development of integrated strategies and concepts for investment, support, and manpower; which impact current or future operational environments. The contractor shall consult OPNAV N81 for Campaign scenario development and shall consult OPNAV 95, 96, 97, 98 & N2/N6 for respective Mission scenario development.
• Description: Through liaison with the intelligence community and appropriate Navy organizations, the contractor shall develop details required to execute analysis of designated DPS and their respective Summary and Macro Views. The contractor shall stipulate the initial conditions, key assumptions and major variations in strategy, force employment and tactics that would appear to bound the expected results of each campaign for U.S., combined and threat forces. Development of proposed operational concepts to make optimum use of new systems and technologies may require exploration in war gaming; in which case the contractor shall provide support in preparing for and summarizing results from war games/seminars as well as participating and providing technical and engineering support and facilities. The contractor shall develop the details of OPSITS and TACSITS for mission-level analysis that will allow performance of appropriate analyses under the desired conditions while remaining within the context of Government-approved joint war-fighting campaigns. Details will include threat and friendly force lay-downs, concepts of operations, tactical missions and time lines.
• Deliverables: The contractor shall promptly and thoroughly document the scenarios, operational concepts and tactics for each analysis in a manner that facilitates their review in Navy approved forums prior to implementation in the analysis and the contractor shall develop documentation in a form that readily permits quick response to questions as the analysis is conducted and progresses through the briefing cycle. The contractor shall coordinate any required war-gaming activities; develop and distribute agendas, presentation materials (including application of audio and video techniques), view graphs and charts; invite participants; and record minutes/proceedings. The contractor shall deliver a considerable number of products such as POA&M reports, technical progress reports, final reports, technical briefs and meeting minutes on the schedule agreed to with the Government as specified in each task order.

4.2.3 Scenario Support and Maintenance
• Objective: The contractor shall support continued use of existing scenarios and operational concepts, modifying them as required to meet revised Government objectives and to provide sufficient detail for use in naval and joint campaign analyses.
• Description: Through liaison with the intelligence community and appropriate Navy organizations, the contractor shall alter and/or change details required to execute analysis of designated DPS and their respective Summary and Macro Views. The contractor shall change these scenario details as necessary to reflect changes in policy, strategy, threat and U.S. or coalition capabilities including detailed multi- sided concepts of operation to support analysis.
• Deliverables: The contractor shall promptly and thoroughly document changes/modifications to scenarios, operational concepts, and tactics in a manner that facilitates their review in Navy approved forums prior to implementation in the analyses and provide documentation in a form that readily permits quick response to questions as the analysis is conducted and progresses through the briefing cycle. The contractor shall deliver a considerable number of products such as POA&M reports, technical progress reports, final reports, technical briefs and meeting minutes on the schedule agreed to with the Government as specified in each task order.

4.2.4 Campaign and Mission Analyses
• Objective: The contractor shall perform rigorous, time critical naval or joint campaign and mission- level analyses, usually based on modeling and simulation that illuminates complex warfare issues to support decision-making in the PPBE process. The contractor shall develop databases to support warfare analysis.
• Description: The contractor shall perform analyses and provide technical and engineering support, including joint campaign analysis that examines the ability to counter a range of coordinated threat capabilities, high level tradeoffs between Service capabilities, or impact of large-scale architecture, mission-level effectiveness analyses to determine system capabilities; analyses of alternative force structures to determine ability to meet peacetime deployment or steady-state requirements and respond to transition to war and contingency operations; cost analyses; cost-effectiveness analyses; and analyses of new technologies. Analyses may support overall long range planning goals (such as SPP, Navy POM) or may address specific warfare area and mission area analysis issues. Sensitivity analyses of alternative capabilities conducted by the contractor may span the range of analysis from mission to joint campaign level. The contractor shall perform these analyses by drawing upon a number of models and simulations including, but not limited to the following: Naval Simulation System (NSS), Synthetic Theater Operations Research Model (STORM), and Shipboard and Aviation Force Effectiveness for General Air and Raid Defense (SAFEGARD). The contractor shall demonstrate the ability to perform rigorous modeling and analysis at the mission level including, but not limited to Anti Air Warfare (AAW), Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), Anti Surface Warfare (ASUW), Mine Warfare and Mine Countermeasures (MIW/MCM), Strike, Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD), Expeditionary Warfare and Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR), Logistics, Amphibious Assault, support and sustainment from Seabase, Cyber Operations, Electronic Warfare, Expeditionary Advanced Based Operations (EABO) and Small Boat Defense. The contractor shall develop or employ innovative analysis techniques to evaluate the effectiveness of such operations. The contractor shall develop methods of presenting the output of analysis tasks such that key insights and takeaways are clearly communicated and complex issues are expressed clearly and succinctly to senior leadership.
• Deliverables: Specific efforts performed by the contractor shall include developing analysis plans; determining proposed alternatives for analysis; and researching performance data on current and future threats, Coalition and own force systems; performing technology investigations and forecasts; developing measures for capability characterization in specific warfare areas; developing or obtaining cost data for current or planned systems; developing and using Cost Estimating Relationships (CERs) to determine costs for conceptual or future systems for which no cost data is available; identifying analysis assumptions, limitations and uncertainties; developing new methodologies to perform analyses; interpreting and analyzing results; and documenting or presenting the analysis. The contractor shall deliver a considerable number of products such as POA&M reports, technical progress reports, final reports, technical briefs and meeting minutes on the schedule agreed to with the Government as specified in each task order.

4.2.5 Campaign and Mission Analytic Support
• Objective: The contractor shall support continued use or reuse or existing methodologies and databases for joint campaign and mission-level analyses.
• Description: The contractor shall support and sustain improvement of methodologies and databases used for analyses. The contractor shall revise system descriptions, characteristics and performance parameters for threat, Naval, Joint and Allied forces in databases for appropriate models and simulations including, but not limited to the following: GCAM, NSS and the STORM or mission level models in the area of AAW, ASW, ASUW, MIW/MCM, Strike, IAMD, Expeditionary Warfare, and C4ISR, Logistics, Amphibious Assault, support and sustainment from Seabase, Cyber Operations, Electronic Warfare, and Small Boat Defense. The contractor shall run appropriate models to reassess warfighter capability based on revisions.
• Deliverables: The contractor shall deliver a considerable number of products such as POA&M reports, technical progress reports, final reports, technical briefs and meeting minutes on the schedule agreed to with the Government as specified in each task order.

4.2.6 Warfare Support Risk for Naval and Joint Analyses and Assessments
• Objective: The contractor shall provide rigorous assessments of complex issues involving development of the warfighting support processes, readiness and provider enterprise operations.
• Description: The contractor shall conduct a variety of warfighting support and business case assessments to support issues relating to force generation/warfighting support areas (including, but not limited to Manpower and Personnel, Training and Education, Infrastructure, both afloat and ashore Readiness), and the Naval Medical Program). The contractor shall provide analytical expertise for verification, validation, and accreditation of warfare models used to estimate cost and performance of performance-modeled programs such as the Flying Hour Program, ship operations, ship and aircraft maintenance, spares, facilities, and base operating support. The contractor shall develop analytic- based decision recommendations to CNO.
• Deliverables: The contractor shall deliver a considerable number of products such as POA&M reports, technical progress reports, final reports, technical briefs and meeting minutes on the schedule agreed to with the Government as specified in each task order.

4.2.7 Warfare Support Analytic Support
• Objective: The contractor shall provide analytic support for unique quick turn issues related to management or administration of the war-fighting support provider enterprise operations.
• Description: The contractor shall provide analytical expertise to conduct short-term analyses and business case reviews for CNO, senior Navy Leadership, and Navy force generation/warfighting support program providers in support of CNO and VCNO tasking.
• Deliverables: The contractor shall deliver a considerable number of products such as POA&M reports, raw analyses, analytic and technical progress reports, final reports, technical briefs and meeting minutes on the schedule agreed to with the Government as specified in each task order.

4.2.8 Data Analytics, Data and Database Development
• Objective: Instantiate, establish, maintain, and update the data and databases necessary to organize, execute, and analyze the various POM-related studies and wargames.
• Description: The contractor shall develop analytic-quality data and databases (inputs and outputs) necessary to support Navy’s analytic capabilities, studies, and assessments. The contractor shall develop analytically viable Concepts of Operations (CONOPs), Concepts of Employment (CONEMPs), tactics, and procedures to support Navy’s analytic capabilities. The contractor shall develop concepts and designs for naval platforms, systems, and weapons that enable and support the Navy’s Capabilities-Based Assessment (CBAs), Analysis of Alternatives (AoAs), campaign and mission analysis, and wargames.
• Deliverables: The deliverables shall be a combination of information, data, databases, pre-processors, post-processors, visualizations, scenarios, CONOPs, CONEMPs, and tactics, which immediately enable Navy and other stakeholders to begin employing the developed analytic capabilities. The contractor shall deliver the documentation on the process for developing the data, databases, and other products associated with this task. The contractor shall deliver a considerable number of products such as POA&M reports, technical progress reports, final reports, technical briefs and meeting minutes on the schedule agreed to with the Government as specified in each task order.

4.3 Other Tasks
• The contractor shall provide essential software design, development and integration support toward accomplishment of the above objectives. The contractor shall provide a process improvement approach equivalent to Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Level 3.


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