US Army Corps of Engineers Draft PWS: Real Estate Programs and Operational Technical Services (POTS)

Notice ID: W912HQ24S0017

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Humphreys Engineer Center Support Activity (HECSA), is expecting to issue a soliciting for Real Estate Programs and Operational Technical Services (POTS). The purpose of this DRAFT Performance Work Statement (PWS) is to gather industry comments, suggestions or questions before the release of the solicitation. This notice is for market research purposes only with the intent to identify vendors that are interested and capable of performing the requirements listed in the attached DRAFT PWS.

This Performance Work Statement (PWS) sets forth the effort required by the contractor to perform Programs and Operations Technical Services (POTS) for the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Real Estate (RE) Community of Practice (COP). These technical services include analytics, supplementary IT applications, and the associated training, and consulting required by the RE COP.

The USACE owns, leases, and manages a large inventory of real property, and performs real estate activities. USACE executes not only its own mission, but also provides real estate services for other government agencies. USACE has been delegated the authority to administer the Real Estate program for military and civil facilities and other real property held under USACE RE agreements and grants.

RE Management frequently reviews their program execution and reports up the Army chain of command. IT Consultants are relied upon to provide Management with comprehensive services and tools to prepare them for monthly, quarterly, and annual reviews.

The RE COP regularly holds meetings both in person and virtual meetings where technology is highly relied upon and must be set up and maintained efficiently. Due to ever-changing technologies, modernization, and a consistently changing staff, a highly trained workforce is essential. The RE COP must be well trained on their analytics, GIS, and architectural software.

The RE COP relies upon supplementary applications that assist the community in tracking and extracting data not found in RE systems (e.g., REAL-T). These applications are built on platforms maintained by the Government. The Government must be trained on how to use these applications to meet mission need.

Lastly, the RE COP requires a variety of analytics to properly manage their large inventory of real property assets and execute their programs and operations. Analytics consist of hundreds of tabular reports, interactive data visualizations, and GIS maps. These applications are to be historical, current, and predictive in nature, allowing management to review prior years, lead current projects, and plan for future year mission. Realty Specialists rely on data to track their real property inventory, maintain leases, and monitor their task and actions.

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